Thursday, May 2, 2024

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The “Green Guru” is “very likely” not ashamed of himself

I think Liberal Frenchman Stephane (“the Green Guru”) Dion should be ashamed of himself, but of course liberals never are (witness the sponsorship corruption fiasco, the state-run CBC, the practically treasonous near rust-out of our national defences, and abortion). 

Using a particular turn of phrase, which he’s officially adopted as his anti-Harper mantra: ‘Canadians have a “climate-change denier’’ as a prime minister’, is obviously meant to invoke images of someone as nefarious and dangerous as a Holocaust denier in the minds of simpletons, who are of course a major constituent of Dion’s, which Dion is of course playing to like a clown in order to buy votes and power.

He won’t be ashamed of that.  And this is to say nothing of the total failure he and his party were when they mismanaged the environment file for their 13 years in power, during which they did little more than sign the ridiculous Kyoto Accord with its pie-in-the-sky facts and figures that were literally pulled out of some bureaucrats’ backsides, after which they proceeded to do nothing but navel-gaze and hope and take polls and invoke emergency gay ‘marriage’ legislation as the top priority for our nation. 

Now that the Conservatives have, over the course of their first year in power, for the first time in our history, exactly as promised, set environmental targets and created a plan to protect the environment, the “Green Guru” calls Harper a “denier”.  That’s rich. 

He, the “Green Guru” is, of course, already riding high on the liberal-media-bestowed moniker of “the Green Guru” (a CTV reporter dubbed him that in a “news” story when he was chosen as Liberal leader—see our Lexicon).  So he need do nothing to earn his street cred —merely do exactly as he did when he was the Liberal government’s do-nothing environment minister when Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions hideously skyrocketed after signing the Kyoto Accord (which of course mandated that they fall precipitously), and hilariously far surpassed the rise in greenhouse gas emissions from the U.S. which didn’t even sign the stupid Accord. 

Canada under Liberals falling so humiliatingly short of the pie-in-the-sky Kyoto “targets” is actually totally understandable, given that they were pulled out of a bunch of liberal-left bureaucrats’ backsides, and could only have been achieved in an illusion aided by smoke emanating from a crack pipe which is ironically laden with greenhouse gasses —or at an agenda-driven “scientific” convention of leftist (political) scientists addicted to government funding and programs and their conterminous scare/fear/hype/anti-capitalism religion.

“Green Guru” totally denies all this, but yet he’s not a “denier” of any sort, he’s a “Green Guru” for Pete’s sake.  And he didn’t even have to think of the term himself—the liberal-left media geniuses at CTV with the able aid of others in the media did it for him. 

With the advent of yet another “universally” “accepted” “unanimous” “consensus” “scientific” “factual” report coming from the America-hating United Nations-based liberal-fest called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tomorrow (which the liberal media has been eagerly anticipating and breathlessly reporting on several days before it is released, reminding me of the hype surrounding the scientific fact of the “Y2K Millennium Bug” which was going to end life as we know it moments after the year 2000 started), we’re already told that it is “very likely” that humans (that is to say Bush and America and capitalists and successful people who are not communists) are to blame for global warming, notwithstanding the ice age ending on its own.

They came to the scientific “very likely” phraseology through a scientific process called “pulling facts and figures out of their backsides”, using the Kyoto success as their starting point.  They deny this but of course there is no scientific test for “very likely”, so we know it’s true. 

“Very likely” officially (by U.N.-backed scientific consensus) means they are “90 percent sure”.  If they were to go with “virtually certain,” why that would mean a 99 percent chance of it being true.  (That’s next year after they get more funding and more folks on board the bandwagon.)  If however they all ate beans the night before at their swank convention enviro-dinner, all hell would break lose and they’d just drink the Kool Aid right then and there.

Of course this talk of the degree of assureds is all about how sure they are that man-made global warming—or as they sometimes call it now, depending on the weather that day, “climate change” (in light of the actual facts)—is caused by human activity as opposed to it happening naturally as it always has before and always will.  No man-made global warming industry (political) scientist will tell you this, but even if humans were one percent responsible for global warming, they could of course still say that they were “95 percent sure” that humans caused global warming.  It’s just that they caused very little of it.  One percent of it.  In actual fact, scientists acknowledge that humans are responsible for perhaps five percent of it. They’re “very likely” sure of it.

As liberal media “news” anchor and knucklehead morning show host Matt Lauer of NBC’s Today Show literally said yesterday on national television, “the end of the world as we know it” will occur, if we don’t act now.  And then he got into his limo and went home to his mansion, not remotely ashamed of himself but instead proud as a peacock. 

Stephane Dion will do largely the same today and tomorrow, whatever the sacred report says.

Joel Johannesen
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