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“The First Rule of Journodynamics”: well known by Canadian liberal media

A reader (hat tip: Hedplug) tipped me to this funny article in a Pittsburgh newspaper.  It was written by Bill Toland and Tom Barnes of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s

First we learn about a technique used in liberal Canadian newspapers, called “Journodynamics”.  I included the email replies they got, proving their point. 

Thanks to the Internet, news travels fast, mathematically speaking.

The First Rule of Journodynamics says that the speed with which a story appears on the Internet and is disseminated to various Web sites across the world (we’ll call this variable “V,” for velocity) is equal to the size of the newspaper (s) multiplied by the number of times you use the words “liberal,” “homosexual,” “evolution” and “gun rights”.

Thus, V=s(l+h+e +gr). Seriously. Go look it up.

So when the Post-Gazette published a story two days ago about a House resolution to investigate liberal bias at the state-owned universities, the rule was applied. The e-mails came flying, and Capitol Notes is proud to say that before noon that morning, we’d already received an e-mail from Hawaii, not to mention a dozen other messages.

Yep, news sure travels fast.

A sampling of the e-mail:

·  “Gee, if these conservative students feel so threatened in Pennsylvania’s evil, liberal university system, then perhaps they should attend one of the numerous, small, church-related liberal arts colleges. I graduated from Geneva College in Beaver Falls … I’m frankly sick of this whining.”

·  “Why did 90 representatives vote against the bill? Your article did not cover this point. Bought and paid for by the teacher’s unions?”

·  “Wrong P-G headline ? how about ‘Joe McCarthy hearings to begin?’”

·  “We all know, as it is no hidden secret, that the unions and most of the instructors in these bastions of education are promoting and advocating views that are in fact far to the left of mainstream America.”

·  “Sig Heil Bush! Yes, yes! It is all too clear that we must cleanse the hallowed halls of higher education of these untermenschen! Death to all liberals! Death to all liberals! Death to all liberals! The last bastion of liberalism must fall! Kill the liberals! Kill the liberals! Kill the liberals! Kill the liberals! Patriotically yours, Baron von Mohnbusch.”

·  “As a retired teacher, I have personally experienced the educational system as a platform for rewarding or punishing students for their views.”

·  “What next for you Pennsylvanians? Back to burning witches? And you, a media person, standing by quietly while neo-cons and religious fanatics take over universities. Penn State will be forever known as SusPennded State of Edumacation. The cradle of liberty will be the afterbirth of tyranny.”

And finally, Capitol Notes’ personal favorite, not edited for spelling errors:

·  “Get the liberal professors out of our collages.”

(So much to Fisk, here, not the least of which (1) “numerous, small, church-related liberal arts colleges” are just that—private, not state-run state-funded colleges; (2) Joe McCarthy was an American hero, not a villain;  (3) The “Sig Heil Bush!” rant?  The lady doth protest too much, methinks;  and (4) “standing by quietly while neo-cons and religious fanatics take over universities”?  That’s what college students taking elementary psychology courses learn is “psychological projection”. (Look it up))

Hedplug offered up this Canadian Content: 

Could this be why when Coffin was given his sentence the Liberal media failed to mention he was a Liberal with ties to the big Liberals? They wanted the information to quickly die—nothing to see here folks, move along—now how about that Harper hairdo or the price gouging those nasty oil companies in Alberta are doing?

Joel Johannesen
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