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The difference between Ben Mulroney and me: I don’t support UNICEF

That wonderful-sounding United Nations UNICEF children’s agency was led by a radical feminist and pro-abortion activist named Carol Bellamy until 2005.  Did the folks at UNICEF know that she was an abortion activist?  Of course they did.  She’s now been replaced, but while UNICEF officials still publicly maintain that their agency does not take positions on abortion, most pro-life folks who have looked into it beg to differ, citing all their co-mingling with abortion-promoting agencies like the huge abortion mill organization called International Planned Parenthood Federation and others.

That’s why I don’t support UNICEF.  They appear to work toward advancing abortion as a way to help kids, and as a world population control or reduction method.  That’s not what I see as the best way to protect children’s health and well-being, which is what UNICEF is supposed to do.  For example, I start from the basis that babies should be allowed to live.  I think that’s a good start. 

As you know, abortion is the most disgusting, most egregious thing ever thought of by humans.  And abortion doesn’t advance the health of babies as much as it ends life for babies, actually.  And that’s unpalatable for me.  Maybe you’re fine with that.  I find donating to one of the hundreds of other children and humanity-boosting agencies as a far better way to go in life, as a general matter.  For example, my wife and I support World Vision with our cash every month and directly sponsor a child in Africa, among other things. 

So when I read the big article in the news today that the former Prime Minister’s son Ben Mulroney was once again getting involved in UNICEF’s annual Halloween fund-raising venture, I realized that aside from his ability to get media attention, and being even more annoying than me generally, he’s also less pro-life than me—otherwise he might have chosen a pro-life children’s charity to support instead, like I did. 

So another way we’re different is that I’m a conservative.  And he’s not.

— article regarding Ben Mulroney’s renewed involvement in UNICEF:
Mulroney suits up for UNICEF Halloween campaign

—Excellent article at the fantastic forum, by Carey Roberts, called “When the Sisterhood Rules the World: The Sad Tale of UNICEF”

Lots more on UNICEF at

Joel Johannesen
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