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Survey: Americans see our “health system” for what it is, and don’t want it

Polls in the U.S. still indicate that most Americans want Obamacare repealed.  But what do they want in its place?  Canada’s system?  No.

32% Say Canada Has Better Health System Than U.S.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Supporters of the national health care plan have often looked north to Canada’s nationalized system as a model for what they have in mind, and 32% of U.S. voters say Canada has a better health care system than the United States.

However, a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% disagree and think the United States has the better health care system of the two countries. Another 17% are not sure.

Rather than looking to Canada, most American voters (57%) believe that more competition and less regulation would be better for the health care system. Just 28% prefer less competition and more regulation.

… Most Democrats (51%) believe the Canadian system is better. However, 81% of Republicans and a plurality (48%) of voters not affiliated with either party say the U.S. system is better.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters U.S. Voters was conducted on June 19-20, 2010 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. …

Canadiansincluding doctors — want more competition in our decrepit, North Korean-style “health care” system, and the law courts have even ruled that it is wrong for the government to keep that competition at bay.  But our self-styled betters— the progressives in government —all those liberals and socialists who know better than us (and our doctors) how to take care of our health and that of our families — won’t “let” us have what we demand, and have a legal and moral right to. 

Perhaps we think this actually is North Korea. 

Conversely, Americans want to keep their clearly better system competitive, and even improve and expand that competition to improve their system, but their “betters” in their new, progressive Obama government won’t let them keep it —despite all polls showing the people are against the Obama regime’s dictates. 

In each case, the progressives in our government (even within the Conservative government) are afraid of allowing more competition.  Why?  It’s because they know it would work.  They know it would fix the problems we have.  Releasing the genius of free people and their private enterprise and allowing free markets and capitalism to work — would expose the failure of their ideology.  And certainly in Canada’s case, liberals and socialists and all progressives are “all in” —fully invested in the left-wing ideological system they have built. They’ve invested all of their political capital in something that has provably failed. 

This reminds me of an ad I’d dreamed of placing in, say, what I now call the state-owned CBC/National Post News and Advertising Cooperative newspaper, as seen in my mock-up below.

Joel Johannesen
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