Saturday, May 4, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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“Stephen, don’t listen to media” says Lorrie Goldstein.

…except this, presumably…

Toronto Sun columnist Lorrie Goldstein makes many of my usual points today as he drafts a pretend letter to Stephen Harper.

Dear Stephen Harper:

Given events of the past few weeks, I have a suggestion for you regarding your political future.

Here it is: Stop listening to us—and by us I mean the media punditocracy, particularly in the Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto corridor. Why? Because collectively, we are all nuts.

And if you keep trying to appease us and follow our advice, in the end you’ll end up nuts too. Allow me to explain.

Most of us are comfortable, middle-class baby boomers, or the children of boomers, who have never been called upon to make any great sacrifices, or to defend any great principles, in our lives.

Most of us were raised in an education system which not only ignored religion, but mocked it and worshipped instead at the shrines of moral relativism and secular humanism. Thus we grew up not as critical thinkers, but as faux “liberal” ones, meaning we are extremely illiberal about any views other than our own.

Most of us carefully craft through our writings and commentary a public persona of ourselves as reasonable, normal, folks; righteously indignant when necessary, but generally blessed with all of the gentle virtues of common sense, modesty, compassion, generosity, good humour and the ability to laugh at ourselves.

Don’t you believe it, Mr. Harper. In reality, most of us are high-strung, insecure, emotional basket cases, prone to brooding and inner rage, with delicate egos the size of New York.

Finally, most of us either came of age in Pierre Trudeau’s “Just Society” (read, welfare state) or were so indoctrinated into it as we grew up, that we cannot imagine anyone else governing this country but Liberals. You may have noticed this in our coverage.

[…] So now your party mirrors the Liberals on many if not most major economic and social issues, save for gay marriage where you’ve reduced your opposition to one word—calling them civil “unions” instead of civil “marriages,” with the same rights.

Actually, I think half the problem is that a good chunk of the Conservative Party is actually not conservative at all—it’s liberal.  The liberals should leave the party, be thrown out, or learn to advance to the higher conservative state of values, common sense, reason, and intelligence—i.e., be conservatives.  Then the Conservative Party can start ignoring the liberals in the Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto corridor.  Not until then.

Joel Johannesen
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