Sunday, May 5, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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State-run “healthcare” boss says EVERYONE should be tested for AIDS …. to remove the “stigma”!

State “healthcare” “authority” (yes they call it the healthcare “authority”) boss ready to mandate a “suggestion” (by way of official state “guidelines”) to all of the state-paid doctors that they “administer” the test to ALL CITIZENS.  Regardless of whether they’re gay, drug users, or pay prostitutes for sex.  You know, like most people. 

If you bother to read news stories like this, which you should only to know who to never allow into any office, or who you’d immediately fire if you are yourself elected to office; or who to avoid in your every day life, find the sentence near the end where it indicates that “about .01 per cent of the population” is diagnosed with AIDS each year.  And the part where it leaves out the fact that nearly all of them are gay, drug users, or they pay prostitutes for sex. 

B.C. health officials want virtually everyone to get an HIV test, regardless of risk

Health officials are recommending everyone in B.C., even those in low-risk monogamous relationships and those who have never injected drugs, be tested for HIV.

The new guidelines to health-care providers suggest doctors routinely offer HIV tests to anyone who visits a doctor, clinic or hospital.


Joel Johannesen
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