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Somalia under al-Qaida grip

Here’s some more “fear” being “instilled” by me through Crawford Texas and the Harper residence (see this blog entry for explanation):

Al-Qaida-linked militia seizes city

Somalia’s capital ‘unified’ for the first time in a violent decade, but not under UN-backed government

Mohamed Olad Hassan, Associated Press
Published: Tuesday, June 06, 2006

MOGADISHU, Somalia—A militia with alleged links to al-Qaida seized Somalia’s capital Monday after weeks of fighting with U.S.-backed secular warlords, raising fears that the country could fall under the sway of Osama bin Laden’s terrorist organization.

The advance unified the city for the first time in more than a decade and after 15 years of anarchy in this Horn of Africa country. But it also posed a direct challenge to a fledgling UN-backed Somali government.

“We won the fight against the enemy of Islam. Mogadishu is under control of its people,” Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, chairman of the Islamic Courts Union, said in a radio broadcast. The militia, which has formed an alliance that transcends clan, controls a 100-kilometre radius around the capital after fighting off a secular alliance of warlords.

The militia is gaining ground just as the UN-backed interim government struggles to assert control outside its base in Baidoa, 250 kilometres from Mogadishu.


The state-run CBC will no doubt call this a “so-called” seizure by al-Qaida-linked forces.

Joel Johannesen
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