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Shaw Direct (formerly Star Choice) Satellite appeases leftists in anti-Fox News Channel gambit

imageimageMuch credit to a couple of the many Canadian pretenders of conservatism, Conservative Defence Minister Peter McKay and a Conservative Party genius strategist, Geoff Norquay, for their superb help in the constant drumbeat to defeat conservatism in this country, by helping to foment this sort of garbage (click here for my recent reference to these two and their idiotic hysterics, which has directly resulted in this).   

Our friend “conservativegal” pointed it out to me in an email today: 

Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 14:04:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: “conservativegal”
Subject: Star Choice and FOX News
To: itsaquestion

Hey Joel,

I know you’re a Star Choice customer and was wondering if this little change caught your eye. It did mine and I’m a little steamed at them over this new change. I’ve already called them to make sure I’ll still get FOX News, but have send my comments in to them.

BTW, I thought the Red-Eye segment (the offending one that made Shaw do this) was pretty bad and I was disgusted with it, but when you turn on CBC or CTV, their reporting in no less offensive to me (an a lot of other people). Anyway, I told the girl who answered the phone there that if I had my way, CTV and CBC would be opt in as well.


Here’s Shaw’s ridiculous left-wing appeasement gambit: 

imageFox News Channel (503) Update

We’ve made changes to how we offer Fox News. There have been recent inappropriate and disrespectful comments on the channel regarding the Canadian Military’s efforts in Afghanistan, comments that were found to be offensive to our customers.

In response to the concerns expressed by our customers, we are moving the channel to an opt-in service starting May 19. Fox News remains available at no extra cost as part of our Digital Favourites, Ultimate Choice and Ultimate Choice Plus packages, as well as the FYI bundle.

If you subscribe to any of these packages or the FYI bundle, you simply have to indicate to us you want to receive Fox News. You can do so through the Self Serve area of or by calling our award-winning customer service representatives at 1.888.554.7827.

To request through the Self Serve area of, follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your account number and password (If you haven’t signed up, click “Register Now”).
  3. If you subscribe to the Digital Favourites, Ultimate Choice or Ultimate Choice Plus package, or the FYI bundle, a box will appear asking you to click a link to confirm that you want Fox News.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Continue” to be taken to the Order Summary page.
  5. Click on “Submit” to have your request processed.

We have always strived to be responsive to our customers. Many of you asked for the ability to select to not have Fox News, even if it was an automatic add-on to your packages. The result is this opt-in solution.

If you don’t have Fox News, and would like it, you must change your programming package to receive Digital Favourites, Ultimate Choice, Ultimate Choice Plus or the FYI bundle. New customers to Shaw Direct will be able to choose Fox News when they choose their programming packages.

For more information or to provide your feedback, you can always contact us.

Good work, Geoff Norquay and Peter MacKay.  Excellent conservative-building.  Kill Fox News Channel so we have nothing, again.  Fantastic. 

I phoned Shaw right away (I now feel sorry for the poor woman who bore the brunt of my fury) asking them to, instead, discontinue the socialist CBC Newsworld channel, and ensure that I continue to receive Fox News Channel.  They said they couldn’t do that.  I had to get CBC Newsworld.  Had to. 

I wrote them an email (filled out their contact form) saying this: 


Your inane “opt-in” change to the Fox News Channel is so infuriatingly ridiculous and appeasing to the far left ideologues in Canada, that I am inclined to look into switching back to Delta Cable.  I’d originally switched from Delta Cable to Star Choice BECAUSE you offered Fox News Channel, back when it was finally made available in Canada by the CRTC, against the wishes of those very people who are using this excuse to “complain” about it today.  Delta Cable had dragged their feet offering it to subscribers.  That’s why—the only reason—I’m a Star Choice customer today.

I certainly want Fox News —I would like to REMOVE the state-owned socialist channels like CBC Newsworld, which insults everything I stand for all day long.  Did you know that on their CBC web site, they had CBC fans writing in and posting comments—publicly—on the news story of the death of Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan, saying, and I quote accurately and directly, “THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE”?  CBC moderators approved — accepted — those comments.  You can read about it here, where it was documented in depth:

You should recognize the difference between organized left-wing campaigns against what is well-known to be one of their main, much-hated non-leftist nemeses, Fox News Channel, and regular, earnest customer complaints.  Nobody liked those comments on that late-night Fox News comedy show, and they apologized, but this action on your part is the height of absurdity and subservience to the far left ideologues in Canada.

Make CBC opt-in —and nobody will.

UPDATE — Monday May 11 2009 10:22 AM PDT
I added a followup this morning which includes Shaw’s response, and my response to it. 


Joel Johannesen
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