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Scientists speak out against “man-made global warming” canard. Liberals plug ears.

In celebration (not) of “Earth Day” (shouldn’t every day be “Earth Day”, blah blah blah?), this morning I sat here while the sun was shining outside begging me to join it in the garden —listening to Michael Campbell’s always good political commentary on the radio.  He starts his “Money Talks” radio show every Saturday morning on the Corus Radio Network in Canada with a good right-think

He was talking about the ridiculous Kyoto Accord and its delusional advocacy by its followers and what he says amounts to their “religious dogma” in promoting a totally unplanned non-program, based on debatable science and sketchy facts. 

I snagged a segment of it digitally, thanks to radio station CKNW’s invaluable Audio Vault.

click to listen Listen to Michael Campbell on Canada’s unplanned Kyoto Accord planned stupidity

It adds to the stack of scientific—and political—material we’ve presented here that speaks to that ridiculous Kyoto Accord and its foundational premises, which I’ve suggested is the biggest liberal-left scam of the last hundred years after communism.  And I liked it especially because like me, Mr. Campbell speaks to the need to have an actual debate—because despite the liberal-left rhetoric to the contrary, there is one.

PTBC reader, commenter, news magnet and overall great Canadian conservative “conservativegal” also sent me this article which she fished out of the excellent Washington Times, and it fits right in especially because it cites a Canadian source for the science.  (And hey whadyaknow I don’t remember reading about this in a Canadian paper.) 

Scientists cool outlook on global warming

By Jennifer Harper
April 21, 2006

Global warming may not be as dramatic as some scientists have predicted.
Using temperature readings from the past 100 years, 1,000 computer simulations and the evidence left in ancient tree rings, Duke University scientists announced yesterday that “the magnitude of future global warming will likely fall well short of current highest predictions.”
Supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation, the Duke researchers noted that some observational studies predicted that the Earth’s temperature could rise as much as 16 degrees in this century because of an increase in carbon dioxide or other so-called greenhouse gases.

The Duke estimates show the chances that the planet’s temperature will rise even by 11 degrees is only 5 percent, which falls in line with previous, less-alarming predictions that meteorologists made almost three decades ago.

In recent years, much academic research has indicated otherwise, often in colorful terms and citing the United States as the biggest contributor to global warming. This month, a University of Toronto scientist predicted that a quarter of the planet’s plants and animals would be extinct by 2050 because of rising temperatures. On Wednesday, two geophysics professors at the University of Chicago warned those who eat red meat that their increased flatulence contributes to greenhouse gases.

Flatulence.  Well then.  Maybe it is man-made.

  Last year, Oregon State University research linked future “societal disruptions” with global warming, while the Carnegie Institution reported that the insulating influence of northern forests alone would raise the Earth’s temperature by 6 degrees. In 2004, Harvard University scientists informed Congress that warming had doomed the planet to climatic “shocks and surprises.”

The Duke research, however, found substantial ups and downs in the Earth’s temperature before modern times, countering other studies that confine noticeable temperature increases to the industrialized era. Marked climate change in other centuries resulted from “external forcing,” said the Duke findings, citing volcanic eruptions and other influences.


There’s also a good read in today’s called Breathe Easier – The world is getting cleaner, Al Gore notwithstanding.

Also see these most recent blog entries:

· 60 leading international climate change experts tell Harper Kyoto is bogus

· Al Gore bullied scientists into changing their views on climate change to match his

· And of course the “man-made global warming” canard is one of our own columnist Steve Milloy’s favorite topics.  He’s a scientist who disputes Kyoto, which is why he’s a columnist only here in Canada, not at any other Canadian media source that I know of.

Joel Johannesen
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