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Confusion: Saddam Hussein and conservative Canadians are “barbarians”?

Osama… after hours. Just kiddin', Islamofascists!

Rare moment captured by barbarian blogger Joel Johannesen while putting things in perspective one day

image Saying that Canadians must vote anything but Conservative and calling conservative Canadians “barbarians” in the 2004 election, the former far-leftist mayor of Vancouver, Larry Campbell, earned a Senate seat (sitting as a Liberal) for all his troubles, by the former Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin

But now this:

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) — Osama bin Laden vowed never to be captured alive and said the U.S. military had become as “barbaric” as Saddam Hussein in an audiotape reposted on a militant Islamic Web site after first being broadcast last month.

Osama bin Laden thinks Saddam Hussein was “barbaric”, leading to no end of confusion.  Was that a compliment coming from Osama bin Laden?

So are conservatives still “Nazis”?  Or are they “barbaric Nazis”? 

And how does Liberal Senator Larry Campbell describe terrorists like Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein?

Here’s a clue or two:  The state-run CBC calls the war on terror “the ‘so-called’ war on terror”.  And clue number two is a Coulterism:  hold up a picture of Osama bin Laden and President George Bush, and ask a liberal which one is the bad guy.  They’ll point to George Bush.

Hope that helps!

Joel Johannesen
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