This is the third blog entry in two days about Canadian General Rick Hillier [here’s my earlier one from today]. I’ve been extremely impressed by his almost American-like reality-talk about terrorism, and his robust strengthening of pride in the value of our nation’s military—and its former glory and cause.
But who didn’t know that the good old Canadian liberal would soon be rushing to squash his remarks and liberalize his remarks and recommend a more “compassionate tone” toward the brutal terrorists?! It was only a matter of time!
No sooner did our good new General start speaking sensibly (almost aggressive and American!) about terrorism and making me proud—the liberals start lamenting and rushing in to demand retractions from him, and to question his words and moderate his tough-talk against those poor, poor misunderstood terrorists.
The article starts out:
If Canadians were shocked that the head of their military called his enemy “detestable murderers and scumbags,” they better get used to it. Gen. Rick Hillier has never minced words, nor is he likely to start any time soon.
Then, after the “shock” information, it goes right into the old liberal motif wherein they inform us that despite this un-liberal talk, unbelievably, no apology is forthcoming!:
[…] Defence Minister Bill Graham’s office refused Friday to soften or explain the comments of its top soldier.
No “clarification” will be forthcoming, said spokesman Steven Jurgutis.
“I can certainly understand that there may be people who are concerned with the tone of his statements,” said Jurgutis.
This reminds me of an article during the last election about Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper, who had just spoken at a townhall meeting to some supporters. He had the outrageous audacity to—get this—support that thousands-year-old institution of marriage! What a nut! Paraphrasing, the article said “And Harper made no apologies for his traditional marriage stand”. What’s this? No apologies for that stand?! My God! No apologies!
Why do all liberals expect that conservatives saying anything “conservative-like”—should preface it with an apology? Personally, I think liberals should literally get down and their hands and knees and beg Canadians for forgiveness, but I know that’s not going to happen.
Reporters familiar with Hillier’s style barely flinched when he said all elements of the Canadian Forces need to be revamped, including the part where “you go out and bayonet somebody.”
“We are not the Public Service of Canada,” he declared. “We are not just another department. We are the Canadian Forces and our job is to be able to kill people.”
The terrorist bombings in London underscore the need to take the fight to the enemy in failed states where they have room to thrive, said Hillier.
Say more things like that, General! Keep saying them over and over and over again until it sinks into liberal Canadian minds—if that’s possible.
Then later in the article, some of the liberals’ REAL weapons of mass liberal fundamentalism start leaking their leftist brain poo:
The Polaris Institute, a left-leaning think tank based in Ottawa, said Friday the defence minister needs to “clarify” Hillier’s “very alarming” comments.
“His use of epithets such as ‘scumbags’ and ‘killers’ is reminiscent of language used by (U.S.) President (George W.) Bush and U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld,” said project director Steven Staples.
Taken alongside recent defence policy changes and an increase in the defence budget, Staples said they “show an unmistakable trend toward the Americanization of the Canadian Forces.”
All of this awful “Americanizing” of our hitherto decrepit military—the liberal-leftists in Canada sees this as a bad thing! That’s how backward the “progressives” are.
And then more liberal-left apologists come roaring out of hiding as if an emergency—like a terrorist attack against Canada has taken place, and reiterate the Euro-liberal-leftist need to “understand” —rather than, you know, KILL the damned terrorists:
Adrian Gordon, executive director of the Centre for Emergency Preparedness, gave a qualified endorsement of Hillier’s blunt talk.
“Part of me agrees with that, part of me says that’s true,” Gordon said in an interview from Burlington, Ont.
“But at the same time, if we’re really going to deal with this problem and have a hope of putting an end to terrorism, then we have to work towards understanding the root causes, which go much deeper than current events in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
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