Friday, May 3, 2024

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Reporter Nick Patch of Canadian Press: Fox News “ultra-conservative”, “outlandish”—in news report!

image…Oh and after journalistically reporting to Canadians that Fox News Channel is “ultra-conservative”, he “factually reports”—as a professional journalist writing a news report—that Fox News Channel is “an American network known for its almost outlandish conservatism.” 

That’s some solid news reporting right there, Canada.  I smell a Pulitzer. Or whatever “news reporters” win for writing putrid junk journalism. 

On the glaring omission of facts side, the outlandishly biased and clearly liberal-leftist agenda-ridden and hideously anti-Fox news reporter Nick Patch of Canadian Press fails to mention FNC is by far the number one cable news network in America.  Watched by more liberals than any other news channel.  And he fails to note the independent studies done by more than one research firm which contend that Fox News Channel actually had the most balanced presidential campaign news coverage of all of them. 

Further proving his abject ignorance and lack of facts about the content of the Fox News Channel, which is replete with liberals, the reporter who has apparently given up all pretense of fairness and balance and objectivity, Canadian Press reporter Nick Patch, says of a new, non-conservative FNC commentator on the channel’s midnight comedy show:  “his hulking physical presence provid[es] a stark contrast to the usually meek commentators the network brings in to argue from the left.” 

Perhaps he should actually watch FNC and note the “meekness” of the proudly liberal-left attack dog Alan Colmes and the studious but fair (oops—fair—there’s the rub!) Greta Van Susteren, and the fierce, brilliant Democratic Party spokesman Kirsten Powers or well-spoken Mary Anne Marsh, and of course Juan Williams from National Public Radio (he’s black!…  ooh!), and the bright light Mara Liasson, and permanent feature on Bret Baier’s show Mort Kondracke, or the take-no-prisoners liberal-left fighter Bob Beckel who is on literally every day, and Young Democrats of America’s Executive Director, the feisty Jane Fleming.  And there’s regular guests Susan Estrich, the far-left extremist/activist Medea Benjamin from Code Pink who’s on Bill O’Reilly’s show constantly, former Clinton aid Dick Morris (who is now anti-idiotarian), Ed Koch, former Democratic Party pollster Pat Caddell, as well as former Senator Zell Miller, Al Sharpton, Rep. Charles Rangel, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, and most every Democrat ever elected. 

And by the way, one of their biggest stars, Shepard Smith, is anything but a Republican.  Same with Geraldo Rivera. 

image  Reporter Nick Patch of Canadian Press should educate himself and read my blog and note my observance of the fact that Fox News Channel is where I get most of my information about what the Socialist Party is up to, since they are the only ones who have, as constant guests, spokespeople from the Socialist Party. 

Moreover, if Fox News Channel, a privately-owned network which can be any damn thing it want to be — is “ultra-conservative” — then how does Canadian Press reporter Nick Patch describe the liberal-left’s state-owned, taxpayer-funded CBC in his hard news reports? 

Let’s watch for that.

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