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Monday, March 10, 2025
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Here’s my Columnist section update for today… which I’m doing because people haven’t yet cottoned onto the fact that we have actual columnists here.  Their columns are hosted right here at  They’re not just links to columns.  It’s real!  It’s here!  It’s free (for you!). 

Of course the main Columnists page has the first 75 words of each column as it is posted, so this is a tad redundant, but some folks bypass the Columnists page altogether.

Please help us out by at least linking to these columns HERE instead of anywhere else but here, as some commenters and even some news sites do, much to my chagrin and that of my banker and accountant.  Each column has this at the bottom of it:


… for your spreading the word pleasure (much as all my blog entries do!) 

We’re really proud to have, on board right here at, Rebecca Hagelin, for example.  She’s a Vice President of the famed Heritage Foundation in the U.S. and speaks to conservative matters generally, often involving family.  She’s an author as well, having written Home Invasion : Protecting Your Family in a Culture that’s Gone Stark Raving Mad.  A great book.  And she was thrilled to be on board here at our conservative Canadian abode. 

This week’s column is about schooling options, and we in Canada can learn a lot about expanding our options in that regard.  Here’s a snippet of The lessons of school choice right from our in-house Columnist section:


[…] It’s easy to see why liberals object to NCLB [No Child Left Behind]. One of their most diehard constituencies, teachers’ unions, reacts to the notion of accountability with fear and dread. How dare those know-nothing parents demand to know whether their children are learning! The nerve!

Still, there’s more to a good education law than testing and accountability (which are certainly needed). As conservatives have consistently noted, parents of all income levels should have more choices in where their children are educated. In a recent story for Family News in Focus, Heritage education expert Jennifer Marshall says policymakers need to return to promoting choice in education, which was part of NCLB’s original intent. […]

Also today, we have Paul Jackson’s column.  When I asked Mr. Jackson for a portrait (all our columnists have photo portraits that appear with each column entry), he sent me one with him as a fighter—literally throwing a fist.  I knew I made the right decision to get him on board here.  (Unfortunately I had to crop it down to fit, so you can’t really see the whole thing!)

Here’s a snippet from today’s twice-weekly column (Tuesdays and Sundays), this one called New era dawns:


[…] SAN DIEGO—I’m strolling around my favourite American city looking at majestic warships in the U.S. naval base that makes you appreciate this nation’s awesome military might.

Just across the bay is Coronado Island, with the enchanting jewel of its little town, but since one of my ex-wives and I spent a rather shattering weekend on the island just before the union itself shattered, I prefer not to retrace my steps there.

Not to worry!

I’m chatting with Republican friends about—what else—but politics.

Conservative politics in both the U.S. and Canada. […]

Today we also have an entry by Anthony Oluwatoyin, who always has an refreshing take on issues, and most often takes it from an interesting racism or reverse racism angle.  I first saw his writing in an article in a newspaper, and immediately wrote to him and began the discussion about having a column here.  We’re glad to have him.

Today it’s called New Leadership Grades: From Pass/Fail to Black/White.  Here’s a snippet:


The man is what my very African granduncles used to call a “buttocks level two-percenter.” Yet this bottom-percenter continues to be the little darling of global liberalism. Most recently, Annan has called for the closing of GuantÃ

Joel Johannesen
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