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Random email from a liberal freaked-out at what PTBC is doing

Ann Coulter's latest huge best-seller, and maybe best book yet, GODLESS Clearly “educated” (wink!) in a Canadian public school (or the state-run media’s taxpayer-funded “early learning” – (wink!) – “Kids” pages), this shift-key-challenged individual (who took the time to sign off with “thanks”) is in full liberal shut this damn place up panic mode.  This is as a result of PTBC’s inclusion of a conservative American writer, Ann Coulter, in its list of great conservative-friendly columnists from all over the evil U.S. and Canada too. 

Maybe next year we’ll introduce conservative commentary from citizens of France, and folks who’ve lived in the U.S. for 30 years or more and then moved to Canada!; or those who hate Canada as it is and was founded which was on Judeo-Christian and capitalist principles (liberals are against that), and therefore seek to turn it into a Godless socialist/communist state to suit their world view!  It’s not likely.  But at least I’d have a chance at some federal funding like that web site! 

From: bob
Date: Thursday, December 07, 2006 6:33 AM
Subject: website

why on earth is Ann Coulter featured on a page with a the title “Proud to be Canadian” emblazoned across the top???

Please, please don’t do this.
Canada’s most fervent right wingers aren’t even close to this idiot—don’t imply she’s canadian—not even in a joke!


I was going to explain to the freaked-out (yet thankful!) liberal emailer that actually, I agree with just about everything “this idiot” Ann Coulter (who is among the most wildly successful political writers of the past dozen or more years with five huge best-sellers) says, which is why she’s a columnist here and I pay her actual money (U.S. dollars!) for her column to be published here at PTBC (though perhaps because that capitalist felt sorry for us up here in the great white liberal-left north—(and maybe she liked the site?)—she and her agent cut me a great deal.  I also got a copy of her fourth best-seller “How To Talk To A Liberal – If You Must”) autographed by her, which I have no doubt liberals all think is something truly stupid to be happy about having in amongst their personal non-fiction libraries.  (That last bit about liberals having personal libraries was a joke!)

Though I was locked into only a relatively short-term contract, I’ve had her column here at PTBC for three years now simply because it’s so great and it’s so popular.  I pay her column distribution agent with my Visa credit card, which is also an American invention that lots of Canadians seem to dig.

I was going to add in my reply that Ann Coulter is probably our most popular columnist here, with apologies to all our other brilliant right wing-friendly PTBC columnists, and that since her columns starting appearing here, more than 6,730,072 (that’s six million seven hundred thousand—plus) visitors have read pages here at PTBC.  Nearly 7,000,000!  That’s not including the days before blogging, using this particular blogging software which counts the page hits.  Prior to this, PTBC was a huge discussion forum, in which Ann Coulter’s column was posted in a special section there (along with other early supporters like Salim Mansur, Mike Adams, and others.  Many thousands or hundreds of thousands of visitors turned to our pages during that time. 

Without a doubt, I get more email about Ann Coulter than any other columnist.  She so freaks out the left that liberals like “bob” take the time to write me for nothing more than to write the most unbelievable things to somehow try to make me feel bad on a personal level; to marginalize me and my thinking any way they can; to mock the name of the web site (which no liberals even thought of registering—it took me, a conservative to do so); to insult me in a variety of ridiculous ways; and so on.  Few if any ever bother reading the site’s “About” page, but of course if they did they’d be even more freaked-out. 

But anyway I decided to just write out a reply here instead, so a whole bunch of other liberals could read my answer too! 


P.S.: Since I started writing this blog entry, the number of PTBC pages read increased to 6,730,829.  Have a happy day!

Joel Johannesen
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