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Saturday, March 1, 2025
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PTBC visitor reports being surveyed on Liberal replacements

A commenter posted this interesting comment just moments ago in this blog entry.  The blog entry was about the Globe and Mail revealing that some Liberals have given up, and that there are already plans underway within the Liberal Party to dump their leader Paul Martin, and replace him with a new leader.

We received a call last night asking for my wife who was an ex-card carrying member of the Liberal Party. (I take some credit for the conversion). They were doing a political survey on which party she supported. Her response was Conservative giving a brief reason why. The caller then asked (this is important) if her vote would change if Bob Rae, John Manley, Frank MacKenna and a French name she didn’t recognize, were the leader of the Liberal Party. The call ended after a few questions on health care and social services.

I don’t know what’s going on but you would think even Liberals would have the decency to wait for the body to die before they bury it. I am not kidding and I am definitely making this up.

Joel Johannesen
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