Friday, July 26, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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PTBC Quote of the Week Award: Mark Steyn, winner

He spread this truth while subbing for Rush Limbaugh yesterday. (Rush was off finishing his voice-work for the Family Guy cartoon — his character will appear in an upcoming episode next year).

Here’s the quote.  But I follow it up with his own further explanation.


“The United Nations is a joke and a fraud. No responsible leader of the United States should be investing time with it.”

– Mark Steyn

By way of explanation…

“I said a couple of years ago I may even have said it in my book somewhere, but the problem with the U.N. is very simple:  if you take a half a pint of vanilla ice cream, and you mix it with half a pint of, um, dog doo-doo, to put it at its mildest, the result will taste more like the latter than like the former.  …  When you mix free societies with totalitarian basket case dictatorships, the results naturally inclines more to the dictators’ view of things, than to free people’s view of things.  That is why no U.S. president should be trying to advance U.S. national interest through as dysfunctional a body as the U.N.”

– Mark Steyn

In order to preempt the left-wing idiotocracy from screaming “RACIST!” at Mark Steyn (that’s what they do now to folks who don’t agree with them and their world view), allow me to take the trouble to inform you that “vanilla ice cream” could just as well be subbed by “chocolate ice cream”, and the result would be exactly the same.

Oh who am I kidding—they’ll call both him and me a racist anyway. That’s part of the price you pay today for saying things that are right and true. But anyway…. yummy … ice cream….

Meanwhile, the New York Post also captures the reality and prints it:

“Prez comes across as a gullible sap”
“The naif-in-chief”

Re “sap”:  I like maple-walnut ice cream.  But naif ice cream is just awful.

Joel Johannesen
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