Friday, July 26, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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British newspaper calls President Obama “President Pantywaist”

And here I thought I was the only one who used the word pantywaist to describe effete liberals.  Next thing I’m going to hear is that Red Rose Tea isn’t only available in Canada.

Barack Obama: President Pantywaist restores the satellite states to their former owner

Barack Obama’s chances of re-election in three and a half years’ time may be evaporating at unprecedented speed, but his presidential ambitions could still be realised in another direction. He would be a shoo-in to win the next Russian presidential election, so high is his popularity now running in the land of the bear and the knout. Obama has done more to restore Russia’s hegemonial potential in Eastern and Central Europe than even Vladimir Putin.

His latest achievement has been to restore the former satellite states to dependency on Moscow, by wimping out of the missile defence shield plan. This follows on his surrender last July when he voluntarily sacrificed around a third of America’s nuclear capability for no perceptible benefit beyond a grim smile from Putin. If there is one thing that fans the fires of aggression it is appeasement.

Despite propaganda to the contrary, 58 per cent of Poles were in favour of the missile shield. But small nations must assess the political will of larger powers. Thanks to President Pantywaist’s supine policies, the former satellite states can see that they are fast returning to their former status.

[… read the rest …]

As I mentioned in my previous blog entry because it reminded me of ice cream, for their part, the New York Post also captures the reality of President Obama’s latest America- capitulation-fest, and prints it:

“Prez comes across as a gullible sap”
“The naif-in-chief”

As if I had to tell you, “pantywaist” is automatically declared our PTBC word of the day.

Joel Johannesen
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