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Possible new Liberal Party slogan: “I categorically deny!”

After decades of Liberals and liberals ruling our country (word “ruling” used advisedly), Canada is now plagued by liberal minions in every facet of our lives.  They are replete in every bureaucracy, every committee, every crown corporation, every board, every department —every facet of our lives.  They are in places you’d never imagine.  There’s probably some in your folds of skin and in your various cracks and crevices.  (They hope you use “Dove” soap!)

Top bureaucrat feared political impact of gun registry overruns, MPs told

Accountant recalls senior official didn’t want to affect election

Kathryn May, The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Friday, June 09, 2006

A senior bureaucrat overseeing the controversial gun registry didn’t want to go to Parliament for more money to cover cost overruns two years ago for fear that it would affect the 2004 federal election, the government’s former top accountant said yesterday.

John Wiersema told the Commons public accounts committee yesterday that Margaret Bloodworth told a meeting of senior bureaucrats in February 2004 that she didn’t relish asking Parliament for more money because the firearms centre was over budget because of the “implications” for the campaign.

Just so you know, all this talk of “affect the 2004 federal election” and “the ‘implications’ for the campaign”—is liberal code for negatively affecting the LIBERALS’ campaign

As I see it—and I could be wrong—a senior bureaucrat fails to fulfill her job requirements because she was/is worried about how extremely important information might negatively affect…… LIBERALS in their election campaign.  If she did her job, it would positively affect CONSERVATIVES.  She as much as admits that.  So she chose to help the liberals by not doing her job.  That’s just how I see it—I could be wrong.  I dearly hope I am.

At the time, the highly respected

[gratuitous plug by liberal media]

Ms. Bloodworth was deputy minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. She has since been made associate secretary to cabinet and the second-highest ranking bureaucrat in the federal government.

Yesterday, Ms. Bloodworth, who also appeared at committee, denied any suggestions that she faced political pressure to find a way to avoid to going to Parliament for more money to cover the mounting development costs for the registry’s computer system. In fact, all the bureaucrats who testified during the committee’s hearings insisted they faced no political direction or interference.

“I categorically deny that I or anyone else I was involved with had any intention of misleading Parliament,” Ms. Bloodworth told the committee.

The committee, however, failed to directly ask Ms. Bloodworth if Mr. Wiersema’s account of the meeting was true. She later refused to comment further when pressed by reporters after the meeting.

“I’m not going to answer anything further,” she said. “I have said what I have to say.”

And besides, as the news article fails to point out—it wasn’t a question of her being “under pressure” to aid the Liberals—it was a question of her acting that way of her own free will.  That’s just as scary.

This is what the Harper Conservative government has to work with now.  This crew which is manifestly backing anybody but them, and some members of which may seek to manipulate the important affairs of the nation in order to advance their political (liberal-left) agenda. 

But remember people please—I implore you to remember—I beseech you to remember:  The Conservatives have a “Hidden Agenda”.  And they’re “scary”.  Got it? 

(Hat tip: Ross M.)

Joel Johannesen
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