Friday, May 3, 2024

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POLLS: Canada (Conservative-led) heading in right direction; U.S. (Democrat-led) in wrong direction

…Therefore here’s what the CBC is reporting, even though the results came from the exact same poll, at the exact same time:

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Here’s the other poll the state-owned CBC commissioned with your tax dollars, which they then all but buried online, quietly tucked away within the massive eight-kazillion-word story of the other poll result regarding Canadian support (or actually the lack, thereof) for the Afghanistan mission.  The CBC chose not to even remotely mention this Canada’s direction result on their on-air newscast so far today —and it’s now 1:35 PM EDT — choosing instead to loudly feature only their poll’s apparent lack of support for the Afghanistan mission, with blaring banners as seen in some of the screen captures in this blog entry:

Canada’s direction under Conservative party leadership

‘All things considered, would you say the country is moving in the right direction or the wrong direction?’

  * Right direction: 55%
  * Wrong direction: 34%
  * Don’t know: 11%

Source: EKOS

And here’s the the results from the latest Rasmussen survey (which, oh my, this is so obvious:  the CBC nor any of Canada’s uber-liberal, Obama suck-up media is also not reporting):

America’s direction under Democratic Party leadership

United States is heading in the…

  * Right direction: 32%
  * Wrong direction: 62%

Source: Rasmussen

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CBC, of all the people or organization who could have, commissioned the Canadian poll, with your tax dollars.  Hey here’s some “poll” questions:  why does the state-owned news media pay for polls?  Are they trying to create news?  Is that also a core function of government, now?  Are they testing their own effectiveness in molding the message?  Aren’t their hideous dead-last-place ratings enough information for them? 

imageBut like the CBC, I know that if I constantly, incessantly, question the validity and legitimacy of something I’m against, framed just the right way, like the CBC does with regard to the Afghanistan mission (which I describe as a mission to free people and maintain our national security but which the CBC frames as “George Bush’s so-called war on terror, which we’re losing, and our men are dying like crazy…”), then some people will think that it should in fact be questioned, and its value and legitimacy doubted. 

The difference between us being that my intentions are actually noble because I, for example, refuse to put our troops in danger by playing into the hands of the Islamofascist jihadists by fortifying their own propaganda and giving them strength;  and constantly putting our heroic soldiers at grave risk; and causing the soldiers to constantly wonder if what they’re sacrificing their very lives for …is getting any support back home.  And I don’t know where the CBC is on this, but I’m unambiguously pro-Canadian, not trying to play to the “we take no particular side” idiocy that our national taxpayer-funded news media plays to (thereby very obviously taking a side —which is not Canada’s).  I’m firmly and unambiguously on Canada’s side and unambiguously on the side of freedom.  And I admit I’m politically biased and advocating a position.  And I’m not state-owned and state-run and funded by all Canadian taxpayers.  And I’m not a news broadcaster.  And I’m a private citizen.  And I’m inarguably right.

Shouldn’t state-owned, state-run media be banned in this country and that notion be enshrined in our constitution?  Poll that, CBC. 

Their poll actually asked a number of questions, apparently, the level of support for the Afghanistan mission being only one.

Well that Afghanistan result alone shockingly played right into their hands. 

So today the CBC is playing their yummy Afghanistan poll result to the absolute hilt—both in their “news” casts on TV on their Newsworld channel (390 on my dial), and on their state-owned web site (site number 847,565,294 on my computer), in which they write about the lack of support for the mission, in approximately 8,000 self-affirming paragraphs. 

imageThey then stick a little tiny box along the right side of the story showing this poll result, obviously obtained in that same poll that they commissioned with your tax dollars, showing results they obviously think are utterly irrelevant —that Canada is heading in the right direction, and another result:  that the Conservatives would win an election today. 

They don’t say one word about those poll results.  Not a word.  No not one. 


The CTV News Channel made the exact opposite editorial decision to the CBC’s and chose to slightly more properly and fully inform Canadians:

Joel Johannesen
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