Sunday, May 5, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Poll Analysis - Re Question 43: why did you not report this with huge headlines?

Is it because:
(A) you’re biased biased biased, ever-so biased?
(B) you forgot to make a big deal of it because it’s anti-Bush day. Again. As it is every day.
(C) it mainstreams the pro-life cause instead of marginalizing it, as has been your not-so-sacred agenda for the past twenty years. 

What happened to the liberal media’s massive coverage of the statistic they uncovered? 

The liberals’ CNN did a poll which was released last week on May 9, but in their coverage of it didn’t make much mention of one question’s results, choosing instead to expound on all the many leading anti-conservative questions. 

Of course this was question number 43, no less, in the massive poll.  But the fact that there are such a rather surprisingly large number of right answers —is news in and of itself.  I’d imagine Wolf Blitzer should take this right to the “Situation Room” and dissect it with his liberal Bush-bashing guests.


I just figured out why they pretty much buried this story.  I forgot you have to be ironic when dissecting the liberal media.  Again that’s ironic.

[Question number] 43. With respect to the abortion issue, would you consider yourself to be pro-choice or pro-life?

May 4-6 2007

Pro-choice 45%
Pro-life 50%
Don’t know what the terms mean (vol.) 2%
Mixed/both/neither (vol.) 2%
No opinion 1%

In their in-depth reporting about every question except this one, they did of course allow this:  “Abortion-rights opponents have intensity on their side,”—a sentence which we’re supposed to understand, somehow, I gather, as their way to encourage and lift the spirits of the pro-choice set.  But as a non-liberal, I can only note that actually, there was no question in which people were even offered a chance to call themselves “abortion rights opponents”, merely “pro-life”: so that’s odd isn’t it? 

D’oh, again.  It’s the liberal media. 


And in light of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision falling against late-term abortion advocates (a taxpayer-funded “medical” “procedure” which is perfectly legal in Canada because liberals have ensured that Canada has absolutely no law limiting abortion in any way, shape, or form), they asked:

36. Now I would like to ask your opinion about a specific abortion procedure known as a “late term” abortion or “partial birth” abortion, which is sometimes performed on women during the last few months of pregnancy. Do you think that the government should make this procedure illegal, or do you think that the procedure should be legal?

May 4-6 2007

Government should make this procedure illegal 66%
This procedure should be legal 28%
No opinion 5%


See the fabulous NewsBusters and their blog entry which relates to this:

… [NBC News anchor] Brian Williams set up the May 11 NBC Nightly News story from David Gregory: “Now to the big political story of the week, having to do with the leading GOP candidate for the President’s job. Most Americans believe a woman has a right to an abortion. Most Republicans do not…

Also read the good Rory Leishman’s column from Saturday’s London Free Press  called

“Canada’s abortion laws shameful”


Joel Johannesen
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