Wednesday, May 1, 2024

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Paradoxical Tea With Mullahs

This past week I blogged about the torture and rape death of Zahra Kazemi, a Canadian-Iranian woman who was in Iran taking pictures, which according to Iranian government standards necessitated her brutal rape, torture, and death in an Iranian prison. 

That’s how they deal with women taking pictures in Iran. Liberals know that for a fact, as we now know.  Subsets of liberals in Canada like the various federally-funded Canadian women’s rights groups didn’t get the memo or burned it, in lieu of being forced into sobriety by common sense, and/or by the horrid specter of taking a position on global women’s rights/freedom and foreign policy matching the position of conservative Republican U.S. President George Bush.

Liberals would rather die or allow others to die, in order to stay true to their liberal cause and their party.

And a reality check to liberals in Canada: Kazemi’s story is what is called a “human rights” violation.  Unlike your inexplicable (emergency!) gay ‘marriage’ law which is not even remotely referred to in our constitution (yet liberals say it’s in the liberals’ version of it or it “flows from” their version of it or something); and unlike the liberals’ accompanying social re-engineering program to redefine the term “Canadian Family”, you’ll find actual written support for the fight against this particular human rights violation spelled out quite specifically in your beloved Charter of Rights, and also in your even more beloved United Nations’ various declarations concerning human rights (sorry, but they still call “marriage” a union between a man and a woman.  No I take that back—I’m not the least bit sorry.) 

But liberal-led Canada, I said in my blog entry, acted as though they were entirely unmoved by the brutality perpetrated against one of its residents and citizens and by extension women and free humans in general.  They showed that they were perfectly OK with innocent Canadian women, also known as humans, being killed. 

When they heard the details (last November) about her brutal killing—they covered it all up and kept mum about it—then the Liberals rewarded Iran by renewing Canada’s diplomatic relationship with Iran which it had cut off earlier.  A Canadian diplomat would again sit on the big overstuffed diplomatic couch in Iran and make nice-nice with the brutal terrorist-supporting nation ruled by evil people—or what liberals call “peacekeepers” in the case of Syria. (If that’s the liberals’ new definition of “peacekeepers”, they clearly support the Americans in their peacekeeping efforts in Iraq.  What’s that?  They’re against that?  Being liberal must be hard!)

Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew told reporters his officials met with Iranian Dr. Shahram Azam in November of 2004, but he didn’t say why they didn’t go public with the information gleaned from that meeting—such as the fact that Azam had personally witnessed evidence that Kazemi was beaten to death by Iranian officials. Pettigrew’s spokesman, Sebastien Theberge, said it’s not up to the Canadian government to release the information about new developments in the case.

No word on just what exactly the government is there to do.  Would somebody at Liberal Party HQ please remind me what exactly it is that the government does?  Are you sneaky Fabian socialists trying to set us all up for the newfound “need” and “right” for a national universal state-run personal lawyer program in order to be properly represented in our lives as a matter of “human rights”?  Is that going to “flow from” the Charter of Rights as well?  And here I am giving them ideas—I can hear them now:  “Somebody get Cotler on the horn!  Universal Lawyer Care’s on the agenda!  Get the Supremes on too and make it a conference call!”

Liberals find it perfectly acceptable to leave Saddam Hussein in power, which he would still be if it were up to them, to continue his killing and raping and torturing of his people and other nations’ people, and plotting, and funding, more “Death To America” and “Death to Israel” strategies.  And they’re content to maintain diplomatic relations with and shoot the breeze with Iranian Mullahs. But liberals can’t stop angrily thrusting newspaper pictures of “evil” (Republican) U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld meeting with Saddam Hussein many years ago, jabbing at the photo with their index finger like a woodpecker, feigning outrage and demanding a full explanation from us crazy “neo-cons” for this abhorrent behavior, notwithstanding the fact that Saddam was, at the time, fighting an on-off war against Iran and he was, at the time, the lesser of two evils in that battle.  When Rumsfeld is trying to take a diplomatic approach, they mock him. Maybe they now think Iran is the lesser of two evils—the United States being the more pernicious to liberals in Canada. 

Hold three pictures up to a liberal: Saddam Hussein, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and U.S. President George Bush, and ask which one is the evil one, and the liberal will point to George Bush.  That’s how twisted their mindset is.

But the liberals insist on drinking tea with the Iranian mullahs, and unlike the 14 billion pictures of Rumsfeld constantly re-displayed in the liberal media over and over again, there will be no pictures of Martin’s poodles in Iran (or are they the Ayatollah’s poodles?) being thrust at anyone by the amazingly cooperative (to liberals) Canadian media. Similarly,  it’s difficult to find a photo in a newspaper article or from a TV news broadcast of Paul Martin at the gala dinner held by a group associated with the terrorist Tamil Tigers organization a few years ago (I certainly can’t find one). Canadian intelligence officials warned Martin not to attend, but it being a room full of Liberal Party voters and supporters, he tossed aside any notion of propriety and attended. He then called anyone criticizing his decision to attend, “un-Canadian”, as only a liberal would.  “Their” Canada is different than “Canada”.

In my blog entry’s heading, I said “Liberals to Iran: Please feel free to kill our citizens”.  After Terri Schiavo’s killing, the slaughters by Tamil Tiger terrorists, the gassed and raped and tortured Saddam Hussein victims, the hundreds of thousands of innocent unborn babies aborted at liberal-mandated taxpayer expense in Canada, and the quest to defend at any cost whatsoever the abject failure of our decrepit socialist healthcare system which they refuse to change because it would prove they were wrong, I’m not sure their message is limited to just Iran and Iranian Mullahs. I might have left off the “to Iran”.

The Toronto Sun covered the Kazemi story with a couple of notable quotes from Stephen Harper, Conservative leader:

“Here’s a Canadian citizen abused, tortured, killed by a foreign government and our government just essentially goes along with it,” he said.

“This is unacceptable, and this would not be acceptable in any significant power in any other Western democracy. I hope Canadians will make their voices heard and demand this government stand up and be held to account.”

… which of course we know from past experience that Canadians won’t do, especially the liberal-lefties in Canada who champion this government; and even if sensible people did “make their voices heard”, the Liberals would soon dispatch their media division (almost the entire Canadian media including of course the state-run CBC division of the Liberal Party) to put forth their answer in their normal arrogant style: by suggesting that the liberal approach, despite its abject failure, is still the best approach.  And with a strange, quixotic nod to some sort of Canadian nationalism, they’ll dub it a “Made-in-Canada solution” even if it is a manifest failure. (Yes, that’s the same pat answer they give vis-Ã -vis our abysmal healthcare system, which they also strangely take pride in.) 

They’ll leave aside the fact that Iran and Syria and Islamic Jihad somehow got to the evil, dangerous point they’re at now by virtue of the nations of the world adhering to this very same ignorant, passive philosophy. 

In the same Toronto Sun story: another quote.  Clearly the man is outraged by Canada’s current weakness:

“Are we helpless, as a nation, in the face of such a horrible abuse of human rights and abuse and murder of a Canadian citizen? I just don’t buy it”

But that wasn’t Stephen Harper—that statement was by socialist, pacifist, anti-military peacenik NDP leader Jack Layton, who supports exactly, precisely, the kind of diplomatic and foreign policy—or an even weaker version of it—that we currently have in this nation.  And far from asking hypocritical tendentious questions like he did, he should answer for Canada’s weakened diplomatic and military state which is a direct result of his side’s “soft” foreign policy stance and his forthright, dogmatic insistence that like good liberals, our nation must continue to scale back and be left as a bare-bones, mostly symbolic military.  Layton and his socialists have consistently condemned any military expansion or renewal or even a proper maintenance of Canada’s fighter/bomber/airlift/naval capacity.

He and his liberal-leftists mocked the Conservatives’ election campaign promises to do just that, as did the Liberal Party, during the last federal election. 

If liberals insist on Canada being a weakling militarily and diplomatically, then they have no option but to play the poodle to terrorists.  That strategy sure has worked hasn’t it?  Canada is now quite literally at the mercy of terrorist regimes. I hope the tea is Chamomile.

The shear hypocrisy of liberals is simply astounding.  But the paradoxes are equally so.  They condemn conservatives’ moral values, but rally behind abortion and prostitution and pot-smoking and gay marriage.  They condemn the U.S. in their overthrow of Saddam Hussein, but embrace Iran and their evil leaders even in the face of the brutal slaughter of one of our own.  And look where it’s gotten us.  Canada is now an international beacon of nearly nothing—nothing but government corruption, free abortions, decrepit healthcare, and possibly, soon, gay marriage, prostitution, and pot-smoking.  Not, as the liberals would disgracefully contend, a beacon of “human rights” in the world. 

Joel Johannesen
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