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Ottawa Sun poll abbreviates the question

Can Canada still be a positive example to other nations on the environment if it doesn’t meet its Kyoto targets? 

Ottawa Sun online poll today

How about adding another optional answer to the two they offered:

Yes, because the Kyoto Accord is a failed scheme on so many levels; and while we’re at it over there in Germany, Canada could also serve the world by providing an example of a political party—the Liberal Party of Canada—which is so full of hot air, sophomoric political correctness, gobbledygook, double-speak, a predilection for feel-good, claptrap national policy announcements, and outright mendacity, that it and all like-minded politicians are literally a bigger danger to our world and its governments’ course of action than any of the so-called man-made global warming that they pretend to be so concerned about —yet forgot to do anything about for years after signing the thing on our behalf, and now fraudulently blame the Conservative government for Canada’s Kyoto pseudo-problem, with the overtly liberal media toeing their line for them and helping them do their bidding. 

We could thus establish a good starting point for debate about man-made global warming and liberal politics, and how they go together like manure and bulls, as a general matter.


Sure, that would be a long answer option. 

The better poll question would be:

Can Canada still be a positive example to other nations on the environment if it doesn’t meet its Kyoto targets as a result of the former Liberal Party government’s predilection for sophomoric claptrap national policy announcement, ineptitude and… (etc)?


I know that would be a very long question but then the answers could be “yes” or “no”.

Joel Johannesen
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