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Monday, March 3, 2025
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OK I’m trifling. But I do it with a crisp salute.

P.M. Harper - no salute.  I do understand the protocol and the reasons for it.  But I still don’t like it.

I know that Prime Minister Harper respects our military more than perhaps any Prime Minister in decades and it likely bugs him even more because he really wants to show it, but because he isn’t the Commander-in-Chief (a liberal-appointed ex-CBC employee is), protocol seems to dictate that he doesn’t salute when being saluted.  He certainly acknowledges, but no salute per se.  For that matter, I don’t think I recall GG Jean ever saluting either—perhaps she actually believes she and the CBC should be saluted by the military rather than the other way around, since that’ll never happen anyway. 

Pres. Reagan - salute One thing I remember about the emergence of the great President (and Commander-in-Chief) Ronald Reagan was the sudden and almost eye-popping salute he’d give his military detail as he entered and exited Air Force One or Marine One. He did it out of duty and true respect—unlike his predecessor liberal Democrat Jimmy Carter (the worst president in modern times), who simply didn’t care—or worse—and issued forth a limp-ass pansy “hey tha”.  George H.W. Bush resumed the salute/respect; it was interrupted at least insofar as crispness and overt display of respect as Democratic President Bill Clinton sexed-up the White House as a priority; but resumed again with President George W. Bush.

I wonder how punished he’d get if Prime Minister Harper started saluting the military as he entered and exited the Air Force jet he travels in.  Showing respect for our military would be sure to garner quips of un-liberal “Bush boot-licking” and “American-style” and “Republic-like” -type insults, rather than simply “he sincerely respects our military and it’s a great idea”, but then again that criticism would be from people who know about the Adscam sponsorship scandal and still support Liberals, and from people who still take the you’ve got to be kidding party seriously.

Harper’s fantastic “God bless Canada” works now after the liberals finally vomited every last thing out of their bellies and got over their irascible petulance.  Maybe this would too.

Joel Johannesen
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