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Obama/Dems appear to have pre-set talking points: “We’re so close to agreement in so many areas!…”

I’ll go out on a limb:

Nearly every Democrat and Barack Obama himself appear to all start their well-rehearsed little lectures to the nation, today, in the televised so-called “bi-partisan health care summit” (in which President Obama and the Democrats speak 200% more than the Republicans) by using the same talking point:  Well by golly we all seem to agree on nearly everything! Talking heads representing the president are saying exactly the same thing on all the news channels.  So gee whiz you can hardly tell they scripted this in advance. 

So that’s clearly what they plan to use as the cover for their next step, which is to ram their own “health care” bill through using the “nuclear” option of the 51% Senate vote (which in the Bush years they used to call a tactic used only by a “dictatorship”), rather than the normal 60%.  There’s really no problem because we all agree on nearly everything! So see they’re just voting against things we all agreed with!  THEY’RE THE PARTY OF NO! 

The left fail to absorb or to admit that they hear what most Americans and almost all Republicans are saying:  that they have a fundamental philosophical problem with the government assuming control over 1/6 of the U.S. economy, and the government controlling more of people’s lives, at a cost of unknown trillions of taxpayer dollars, raising all manner of federal and state and local taxes, raising the deficit and debt by trillions, all at the worst time in history.  What they agree on is that this is a total mess and a woefully mishandled distraction created by Barack Obama and the left wing of the Democratic Party like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, at the worst possible time. 

Let’s remember this news headline (also carried at and its first paragraph, and see how it changes once they and the rest of the liberal media figure out the Obama/Dem talking points, and jump on board.

Health summit: Heated talk, little agreement
AP – 5 mins ago

WASHINGTON – With tempers flaring, President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans clashed in an extraordinary live-on-TV summit Thursday over the right prescription for the nation’s broken health care system, talking of agreement but holding to long-entrenched positions that leave them far apart. …

My prediction is that this “they’re far apart” line will be completely turned on its head.


I love this sort of live-blogging column written-up in the (U.K.) by Chris Ayres:

Try to stay awake: the President has a healthcare Bill to pass

… For the rest of us, however, it was mainly an opportunity to see how many conciliatory-looking poses Obama could strike while listening to his Republican opponents explain why the entire first year of his administration has been a gigantic waste of time, and why the telephone directory-sized health Bills produced by both the Democrat-controlled House and Senate should be fed into a shredder the size of Connecticut, before they . . . well, no one seems to know exactly what these vast pieces of legislation would do.

Except that it won’t be good, because the US Congress generally only does expensive and complicated. 

… Throughout all this, Obama, looking incongruously glamorous in a crisp white shirt and blue tie — like Jamie Foxx chairing a convention of Pittsburgh cement contractors — gave an Oscar-worthy performance as the Concerned Listener.

He listened with his chin raised and his eyes narrowed. His listened with his head resting quizzically in one hand. He listened while scribbling furiously in his notebook. Indeed, it was only when one of his own allies began to speak — the purple-suited Nancy Pelosi, famed for her left-wing politics and fondness for private jets — that Obama’s camera-talent abandoned him, and he allowed himself to be filmed with his middle finger creeping over his lips, as if urging Ms Pelosi to shut the hell up and take the next Gulfstream back to California.

His frustration was understandable. After all, for a while, it seemed as though Senator Alexander might be getting the upper hand, and the viewer began to wonder if Obama’s gambit — to bore America into submission while getting another opportunity to look handsome on television — was about to blow up in his face. …

Joel Johannesen
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