Friday, July 26, 2024

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Liberal Leader Proud of WWII Invasion of… Nor-sumthin!

In 1944, Canadians participated in the D-Day invasion at Juno Beach in Normandy, France.

In 2004, in a speech to Canadian soldiers who coincidentally still dress up in 1944 gear and use 1944 equipment, Liberal Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin gushed about Canada’s invasion of… Norway.  “Sixty years ago, Canadians were working alongside their British and American allies planning for the invasion of Norway and the liberation of Europe,” the liberal P.M. said. 

He left out the part about Canada today working alongside their French and German allies in doing… diddly about murderous tyrants and dictators and terrorists who currently threaten the world.

A few minutes later, he reiterated his history lesson about Canada’s invasion of Norway. “Today, it is every bit as important that Canada step forward—just as we did during the invasion of Norway.”

Joel Johannesen
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