Friday, May 17, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Newfoundland Seeing the Light?

As any conservative-minded thinker could have predicted, in the 1990’s and lasting through 2003, the Liberal Party created a political scandal the likes of which have never been known in the history of our nation. 

How could conservatives predict this?  Because the liberals didn’t obey their P.R. advisors and did the unthinkable: they ventured into alien territory and pretended to care about our country rather than quietly looking only after themselves as tradition dictates.  There’s nothing more ridiculous and hideous than a Liberal who feigns Canadian patriotism and then thinks he knows how to increase it among the masses.  This is mostly because we all know that their method is always “government”, which as any sensible person knows, is only there to screw things up. Undaunted by nuisance common sense, government is still seen as the piquant answer to every conceivable thing for liberals.  Creating a “culture”, creating “patriotism”, “unity”, lining their pockets, giving government jobs to reporters in the media, and more. 

Their hideous mock effort and pretence included: (A) Buying off Quebecers and trying to sucker them into voting Liberal and; (B) Simultaneously laundering hundreds of millions of dollars worth of taxpayer money through friendly media firms who would then “donate” millions back to the Liberal Party, thus securing their election campaign financial needs over the course of several elections.  Thanks to you, taxpayer fool. 

The fantastic result of the “sponsorship” unity-building effort is that Quebec is now more separatist than ever before, they elected an all-separatist slate in the last election, British Columbia is talking more and more like Quebec, Alberta has several separatist candidates running in the current provincial election there, and now Newfoundlanders are apparently feeling latent trepidation over their decision to enter the Canadian confederation as it and their position within it seems to grow weaker with every passing day. 

Another successful Liberal Party initiative.  No I mean they really see it that way. 

This week, fifty-four year-old Conservative Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams, a Rhodes Scholar and extremely successful self-made businessman (did I mention he’s Conservative?), walked out on the big cheesy ridiculous Prime Minster-led clearly liberalesque premier’s conference this week without grabbing a single Hot Pocket from the snack table.  As I would have. 

“He’s making a firm gesture to show we’re not going to take this any more,” former Conservative MP John Crosbie said. “What Ottawa wants is parallel to treachery and deceit and it’s not to be tolerated,” Mr. Crosbie said, clearly keeping his cool as the only Conservative who still has with a funny-bone, and that’s only because he’s retired.

During the election campaign, in which the Liberals lied over and over in order to get elected and Canadians bought all the lies including the main one—that Conservative leader Stephen Harper had a “Hidden Agenda”, the Prime Minister offered an unconditional proposal that would allow Newfoundland and Labrador to keep all its net offshore oil revenue. 

Now the Liberals are offering a deal that is entirely different.  With that news, Mr. Williams stormed out and was met with a hero’s welcome in Newfoundland, much the way liberals are greeted in media scrums. 

Like moral relativism, the degree to which “Hidden Agendas” are bad, is a relative thing for liberals which depend largely on: whether you’re Liberal or not; the day of the week; whether George Bush is President; whether you’re gay; and on how much Scotch you’ve consumed the morning you called the Premier of Newfoundland.  From a Liberal perspective, if you’re a Conservative, Hidden Agendas are absolute, i.e., they’re real (as proven by copious expensive election campaign ads which said so), and they are scary and always bad, even when the Hidden Agenda is spelled-out in excruciating detail on a web site.  If you’re a Liberal, they’re for the good of the nation and should be overlooked—no, paid for by the huge rock off the east coast or by Alberta, the evil empire to the west of the central Canadian government motherland.

“The Prime Minister [reneged] on a commitment he made in a deliberate phone call in the middle of an election campaign… I get extremely annoyed at Ottawa’s attitude towards us,” said James McGrath, the former Conservative MP. “They look upon us as a colonial master would; keep us down and in our place. It’s not acceptable to our people any more. We’re sick of settling for half a loaf.”  Funny, that’s what I say when I pay my taxes. 

In a St. John’s Nfld. paper called the Independent, wisely named during a prescient name-that-paper brainstorming session eons ago, editor Ryan Cleary said “People are tired of being called a have-not province. I don’t know if you’d call this a rising, but Newfoundlanders are ready to take on Ottawa over this. It’s time for us to stand up. And we’re standing up.”

All Canadians of a conservative mind should be so brave.  If they were, we might be in Iraq helping the Americans in their brave noble cause instead of our government thumbing their noses at them and ironically calling them “idiots” and “morons” and screaming that they “hate them”; and we might be building our nation whole and strong and proud again. 

It what seems like an obvious suggestion, conservatives in Canada might want to stop letting the liberals hide our agenda and then accuse us of having a “hidden agenda”.  Stop taking the defensive and grab some cajones.  Expose our agenda and then fire the big cannon:  expose theirs. 

I suggest starting with their overt lies, then moving to the money laundering, then onto the treasonous weakening of our military, then to the creeping socialism.  Then to any of the other tidbits:  state media, state censorship, unfixed election dates, and unelected senate, political appointments, a political-activist liberal Supreme Court, unrestricted taxpayer-paid Canadian baby-killing abortions, rationing of health care, high taxes, horrible relations with the U.S., changing the traditional definition of marriage to suit gays and cross-dressers, or any of the countless other things that are pure liberal and counter to Canadian nation-building. 

Or just start by proudly proclaiming that you’re a conservative and you’re ready for battle.  Watch them run away like the pantywaists that they are when confronted by the scary non-liberal, so threatening with values and common sense. 

By Joel Johannesen

This editorial is posted at  Here is the exact link to the editorial:

Joel Johannesen
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