Friday, September 20, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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New York Times: “All the news that’s…. left-wing”

In his “Little Green Footballs” blog, Charles writes that in a New York Times 10-page spread about blogs, they prattle on and on about left-wing blogs without ever mentioning even one right-wing blog, ever, not even once, in the whole 10-page article. 

Matthew Klam, with whom I spoke on the phone for 43 minutes of my life that I’ll never get back, writes a story for the New York Times Magazine about political blogs.

And in a 10-page article, covers only the left wing blogs, including the worst, most virulent centers of lunacy.

In glowing terms.

Featuring a photo of Markos Zuniga, the owner of Daily Kos.

There is not one word about the anti-idiotarian blogosphere. No LGF. No Roger L. Simon. No Michael Totten. No Allah. No Belmont Club. No Power Line. No INDC Journal. No Command Post. No Michele. No Cox & Forkum. No Rantburg.

Nobody but Atrios, Josh Marshall, Daily Kos, Wonkette, and the other New York Times-approved left-wing drones.

Not one word. Ten pages.

The New York Times, with help from Matthew Klam, is trying to make us all disappear.

I don’t trust myself to write what I really feel about Klam’s outrageously slanted piece. Read it for yourself: Fear and Laptops on the Campaign Trail.

The mainstream media’s shameful, arrogant bias, up there for all to see.

Many media outlets in N. America read the NYT, then puppet their stories—sometimes creating their own versions of exactly the same piece with the same political slant and tone.  Watch for it in your local paper.

Joel Johannesen
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