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New TV SitCON: ABC News Hops Into Bed With The Obamas

Reading from the cue cards of the Canadian state media CBC and its competitors in Canadian liberalvision**, Obama’s  America’s  Obama’s ABC News is moving right into the White House next Wednesday for an hour-long infomercial—starring only Obama and Democrats with their well-rehearsed talking points—to promote ObamaCare—the Obamicans’ latest emergency in which they nationalize health care and change the face of America at a cost of another one trillion—yes another trillion—Obamadollars.  (The “wealthy” and “corporations” will pay for this.  For further reference to the “wealthy” and “corporations” paying for things, see my previous blog entry called …Name That Party!)

  **In the Canadian version of the show, the media are obviously not in bed with the Conservatives but rather the Liberals and the more socialist NDP (which they support with gratuitous media attention and possibly bed linens), and use these soft political porn episodes to thrust! thrust!, thrust! the Conservatives right outta the building.  The CBC may suggest that ABC call their show “Little Marxist on the Potomac”. Here it’s simply called “TV”.  Watch daily!  All channels, all the time. 

Read about ABC’s date with the Obamas here.

I liked how according to this article, some Americans are unwittingly catching my wave and calling for questions to be asked about the companies that advertise on ABC, much as I suggest we all PUSH BACK against companies that support the socialism-reliant CBC—and therefore help advance the movement they help lead—by advertising there. 

…The Internet is being to heat up with some conservative bloggers calling for people to boycott advertisers on ABC.  One blogger wrote that “all Americans who are opposed to a major media arm becoming a visible branch of the presidential political machine” should use the marketplace to voice their objection.

And read this bit of the article in which the expert journalism professor from American University—a liberal and a FOX News contributor — plays naive with OSCAR-winning skill, as you read that last sentence. FUN IDEA:  try to read it without laughing at the end! 

…But Jane Hall, a journalism professor at American University and FOX News contributor, said the special isn’t removing opposing voices from the debate.

“This is not unprecedented. Every president has tried to use the bully pulpit to spread their message. I hope President Obama does have a range of questions, ranging from people who want a single-payer system to those who want the government to do less.”

She added that it’s in ABC News’ interest to present a range of opinions.

“ABC News is going to have a balanced program, they do not want to be criticized, they don’t want to look like they’re simply cheerleading for the president and his plan.”

Since when did the networks (except Fox News Channel) care about being seen as cheerleading for Obama? 

At least they won’t need a laugh track on this comedy. 


Joel Johannesen
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