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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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New symbol of party suggestion

Conservatives jet ahead

imageI saw the picture above and thought with the popularity of the Conservatives in Canada today, as judged by all the polls which show them way ahead, the Conservatives could adopt their party’s jet engine as their official symbol or mascot of the party. 

I’m pretty sure the Liberals would brand that as a “far-right right-wing conservative-style” move somehow though, which is supposed to sound like a “bad scary thing” because those values are in fact “very different from the values that Canadians hold dear”…. until it was pointed out that the jet engine was clearly from under the left wing, which would cause no end of confusion for the liberals and the entire liberal-left. 

Meanwhile Paul Martin seems to be surrounded by wieners.  I’m just saying.

Team Martin and his Team Wieners

Photo credit (jet):  Reuters/Andy Clark
Photo credit (wieners):  Reuters/Chris Wattie

Joel Johannesen
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