Thursday, May 2, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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New diplomatic language from Iran!

That old “Death to America” shibboleth has been retired?  Sure, they still want death to America, and to Israel, and to lots of other places (probably Canada since we’re so much like the U.S., and to the U.K. and other places too), but they seem to have dimplomacized their language now that they’re enmeshed in the intricacies of the United Nations.  Now Iran desires “harm and pain” to America.

“Harm and pain”.  Huh.  Gee it’s a wonder that sensible people think Iran shouldn’t have nuclear weapons. 

Iran: U.S. will suffer

Iran threatened the United States with “harm and pain” Wednesday for its role in hauling Tehran before the U.N. Security Council over its nuclear program.

But the United States and its European allies said Iran’s nuclear intransigence left the world no choice but to seek Security Council action. The council could impose economic and political sanctions on Iran.

The statements were delivered to the 35-member board of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is meeting to focus on Tehran’s refusal to freeze uranium enrichment.

The White House dismissed the rhetoric out of Tehran.

“I think that provocative statements and actions only further isolate Iran from the rest of the world,” White House press secretary Scott McClellan told reporters traveling with President Bush to hurricane-affected states in the Gulf Coast. “And the international community has spelled out to Iran what it needs to do.”

Then I read this line from the Iranians, in which they also threatened broader retaliation, without being specific, saying Iran “will adapt our policy and adjust our approach to conform with the new exigencies.”

…that word exigencies reminded me of another line I read once—it was in Mein Kampf (and I dug it up for ya’s):

“Hence the movement must adopt a positive attitude towards the trade-unionist idea. But it must go further than this. For the enormous number of members and followers of the trade-unionist movement it must provide a practical education which will meet the exigencies of the coming National Socialist State.”


Joel Johannesen
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