Thursday, May 2, 2024

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NDP’s Layton in Vancouver chooses new “change” tactic: “lying” to Canadians

Welcome to the 1960s!  …When socialists started their grand Fabian socialist agenda in Canada … by experimenting with lying to Canadians!

The results of the still ongoing experiment still aren’t conclusive at this time (although there is nonetheless a “consensus” and “the debate is over” on some matters as we know). 

imageThe you’ve got to be kidding party’s Jack Layton, with that permanent smirk/sneer affixed under his mustache, tells us in Vancouver today that conservatives—on both sides of the border—have created a system wherein Canadian tax money goes primarily “to big banks” more so than to families.  Implies “the big banks” got $50 BILLION in tax breaks, while families haven’t gotten “a cent” of taxpayer dollars.  Ever. 

Seeing as there are 5 big banks in Canada, I’m skeptical. 

This demonstrably ridiculous lie is repeatedly foisted on what they must think are their total idiot base.  And as exemplified by their almost total silence on the extremist, far-left socialist lie-fest, the media are apparently right on board the good ship


BS Lie.  This amazing lack of media curiosity and intrigue is in direct contradistinction to how they question Conservatives on their daily proclamation of “good morning”

Here’s exactly what Layton said today (which, by the way, wasn’t a “GAFFE”):

“…on both sides of the border, billions for banks, but nothing to make sure that your family doesn’t get into financial trouble.  …

…Isn’t it stupid to give $50 billion in tax cuts to those that least need them?  Is it not stupid to worry about the banks before worrying about Canadian families?  That is what the Conservative government on both sides of the border is doing.  Billions of dollars for banks having trouble but not a cent for you when your family is having trouble.  What is needed are severe, strict regulations of the banks…”

Well of course he sounds like Joseph Stalin.  Well, Stalin lying. 

In point of fact, this ongoing extremist left-wing experiment has actually provided a successful outcome to a large degree, as some folks do vote for NDP and Liberal Party candidates even today wherein, in the midst of a global financial crisis, their grand “idea” is still to gleefully promise big government tax and spend programs and policies.  To wild applause.  Like we’re living in Loonyland… or the Soviet Union. 

When they have no sound ideas of their own, or those they do have are so outdated and so massively unpopular, politicians and parties like the you’ve got to be kidding party resort to lying about their winning foes.  Bring others down to bring yourself up is their only real “idea”.  This is much like their social policy and economic policy.  Bring our nations’ morals down to our level, rather than lifting ourselves up to their higher moral standards of behavior (and their damn “God” and their Christian Churches and Jewish Temples!).  Bring down the “rich” so that they’re more like—and have as little money as—the “poor”, rather than bringing ourselves up.  Screw capitalism with constant government meddling and social engineering and socialist programs and welfare schemes and bailouts, so capitalism doesn’t work and never gets a chance to work, then cry “See?  Capitalism doesn’t work!”

Reporters asked no relevant question after his far-left extremist talk, and his lies.

It’s absurd.


Joel Johannesen
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