Wednesday, May 1, 2024

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NDP accidentally says the word “socialist”?

I know I keep harping on this, but it’s exclusively because I care so much about Canada (snarf! —just trying to imitate Garth Turner). 

The stupidly named “New” Democratic Party is neither new nor is it all about “democracy”.  It is a purely socialist party.  They live to end the capitalist system as we know it in Canada and turn us into a part of the global socialist order that they (and Karl Marx) dream (dreamed) of. 

That’s bad enough.  But I have long chastised the socialists for saying anything but “socialist” in their incessant class war-based whines about every issue.  They have the biggest hidden agenda in this country.  They refuse to go on the campaign trail and campaign for “socialism” even though that’s what they’re campaigning for.  They’ll jump through 8,000 hoops and even go to church on Sunday if it means they can avoid saying “socialism” or “socialist”—which they always always always cutely substitute with the perhaps more benign sounding (to idiots) “social democratic” or “working people” or “social justice”.  It’s a neat trick.

They’re afraid of their own shadow.  And it’s hilarious to me (in that freaked-out kind of way) how through all these years, the media (whose willing support is the only reason for the NDP’s very existence today in this country) continue to toe the line, does their bidding by acquiescing, buys it up whole, and helps them promote the deception and keep the real agenda hidden.  Plus they keep putting their faces in our television boxes, for no apparent reason to me but to promote them. 

So I had to laugh when today on CTV Question Period the socialist MP Anne McGrath seemed to accidentally let “socialist” slip through her lips before what I perceived to be a quick correction. 

CTV’s Jane Taber:  …Let’s talk about uh carbon tax, the “Green Shift” what Dion Mr. Dion Liberal leader is proposing over the summer Anne McGrath your party doesn’t support that. 

Anne McGrath: Well it’s interesting Tim [Powers] just mentioned that I just was in Athens and I was at a meeting actually of socialist —uh, social democratic and labor parties— from around the world over 150 countries represented, heads of states, heads of political parties and so forth and there was a lot of debate obviously on climate change and the environment and certainly the parties that were represented there were talking about a cap and trade system, which the NDP has been supporting…”

Good times.

Joel Johannesen
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