Friday, May 3, 2024

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More Fun With Political Words (and the not so fun)

Things heard in past day that stuck to my ears:

image• Freudian? Who knows.  The worst Congressional House Leader in history, the Democratic Party’s Representative Nancy Pelosi, in a speech yesterday.  She accidentally referred to Barney Frank as “congresswoman Frank”.  Barney Frank is the lithpy limp-wristed Democratic wiener and liar and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee since 2007 (which oversees the housing and banking industries), who once dated a male executive of Fanny Mae, and who once had a gay roommate who ran a gay prostitution ring out of his basement, and is one of the chief architects of the financial meltdown. 

She quickly corrected it to “Chairman Barney Frank”.  She ♥ Barney.  He/she is everything she loves about liberals and liberalism. 

Can you JUST IMAGINE the outage—the uproar in the liberals’ media—the righteous indignation—if Pelosi had an R after her name instead of a D? 

image• On Jay Leno’s Wednesday night show, he made a great joke, giving me the impression that President Obama’s socialist “stimulus” plan is beginning to be seen for what it is (socialism) out there in pop-culture land:

“The country of China is going to be doing a Broadway-style play based on Karl Marx’s book on Communism — a play based on Communism.  You know— that’s where capitalism is replaced by the government taking over control of all private industry —or as we call it in this country, ‘stimulus package’.”

—Jay Leno

image•  Always a great source for good quotables, Ann Coulter pointed out an irony on Hannity last night: 

“We keep hearing this mantra over and over again about how, ‘…Oh it was Bush/Republicans’ lack of regulation, lack of regulation…’  when in fact it’s the opposite—it’s the unregulated companies [which] are the only ones who didn’t bankrupt the economy.  The hedge funds, if they lost money, they lost money for their investors, but that’s it, they’re doing fine.  It’s the insurance companies, it’s the mutual funds, it’s the credit rating agencies that are given a government granted oligopoly, it’s the banks — all of the industries that are totally regulated by the government—are the ones who caused this.”

Slightly related:  “Only 11% of Americans think a financial institution will run better if it’s run by the federal government, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. “

Rasmussen Reports
Friday March 17 2009

image• IGNORANCE?  IRREVERENCE? INSULTING DISRESPECTFUL ASS?  It’s your call.  Michael Ignatieff today refers to Prime Minister Harper as “Harper”.  But in the same newser, sometimes in the very same sentence, refers to “President Obama.”  Added he’s “the biggest fan in the world of The President.”  Ya don’t say. 

I’m pretty sure Iggy also referred to Premier Danny Williams, the Progressive Premier of Newfoundland, as Andy Williams


Joel Johannesen
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