I enjoyed this Kyoto-debunking news release (hat tip to Linda again!) which happens to go well with my blog entry from yesterday about the man-made global warming industry and cult religion, and which, like yesterday’s will never, ever see the light of day in any liberal media, by virtue of the fact that it debases the cult religion referred to above.
It’s from the office of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works, as yesterday’s was.
Majority Fact of the Day
Contact: Marc Morano ([email protected]), Matt Dempsey ([email protected])
Washington D.C. – Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), the outgoing Chairman of Environment & Public Works Committee, is pleased to announce the public release of the Senate Committee published booklet entitled “A Skeptic’s Guide to Debunking Global Warming Alarmism. Hot & Cold Media Spin Cycle: A Challenge To Journalists who Cover Global Warming.”
Click here to download the “Skeptic’s Guide”
The color glossy 64 page booklet—previously was only available in hardcopy to the media and policy makers—includes speeches, graphs, press releases and scientific articles refuting catastrophe climate fears presented by the media, the United Nations, Hollywood and former Vice President turned-foreign-lobbyist Al Gore.
The “Skeptic’s Guide” includes a copy of Senator Inhofe’s 50 minute Senate floor speech delivered on September 25, 2006 challenging the media to improve its reporting.
The ‘Skeptic’s Guide’, which has received recognition by the LA Times and Congressional Quarterly, is now available free for international distribution on the Senate Environmental & Public Works Web site.
The book, which features web links to all supporting documentation, also serves as a handbook to identify the major players in media bias when it comes to poor climate science reporting. The guide presents a reporter’s virtual who’s-who’s of embarrassing and one-sided media coverage, with a focus on such reporters as CBS News “60 Minutes” Scott Pelley, ABC News reporter Bill Blakemore, CNN’s Miles O’Brien, and former NBC Newsman Tom Brokaw.
Senator Inhofe’s “Skeptic’s Guide” also includes hard hitting critiques of the New York Times, Time Magazine, Newsweek, Associated Press, Reuters, the LA Times, the Chicago Tribune, and the Washington Post.
Senator Inhofe has challenged the media in a series of speeches and hearings to stop the unfounded hype.
“The American people are fed up with the media for promoting the idea that former Vice President Al Gore represents the scientific “consensus” that SUV’s and the modern American way of life have somehow created a ‘climate emergency’ that only United Nations bureaucrats and wealthy Hollywood liberals can solve,” Senator Inhofe said in October.
Skepticism that human C02 emissions are creating a “climate catastrophe” has grown in recent times. In September, renowned French geophysicists and Socialist Party member Claude Allegre, converted from a believer in manmade catastrophic global warming to a climate skeptic. This latest defector from the global warming camp caps a year in which numerous scientific studies have bolstered the claims of climate skeptics.
Scientific studies that debunk the dire predictions of human-caused global warming have continued to accumulate and many believe the new science is shattering the media-promoted scientific “consensus” on climate alarmism. See: http://epw.senate.gov/pressitem.cfm?party=rep&id=264777
Related Links:
12/06/2006 – Inhofe Says Global Warming Media Hearing Exposed Alarmist Media
10/17/2006 – Renowned Scientist Defects From Belief in Global Warming – Caps Year of Vindication for Skeptics http://epw.senate.gov/pressitem.cfm?party=rep&id=264777
10/30/2006 – “I Don’t Like The Word ‘Balance’’- Says ABC News Global Warming Reporter http://epw.senate.gov/fact.cfm?party=rep&id=265464
10/24/2006 – Senator Inhofe Credited For Prompting Newsweek Admission of Error on 70’s Predictions of Coming Ice Age – In Case You Missed It…. http://epw.senate.gov/fact.cfm?party=rep&id=265087
09/25/2006 – Senator Inhofe Speech: “Hot & Cold Media Spin: A Challenge To Journalists Who Cover Global Warming” http://epw.senate.gov/speechitem.cfm?party=rep&id=263759
Damn sources, huh?
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