Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Moonbat Hollywood Liberal Oliver Stone Directly Compares Bush With… Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Rabid anti-Bush filmmaker and sufferer of the dreaded Bush Derangement Syndrome, liberal director Oliver Stone said this yesterday in a grumpy response to meaniepants Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his lack of what he seemingly expected to be brotherly love:

“I wish the Iranian people well, and only hope their experience with an inept, rigid ideologue president goes better than ours.”


This was in response to what could only have shocked Stone enormously:  that the tyrannical terrorist-supporting leader of Iran isn’t in simpatico with Stone and other American liberals who have banked everything they had on the idea that Iran (and liberals in France, Canada, and the rest of the world) hates President Bush like they do.  Rather, much to their surprise, they hate The Very Idea Of AMERICA, which, sadly for Stone, includes him. 

Well we’ve been trying to tell them that for years.  Perhaps we needed to speak more slowly.

Ahmadinejad is merely joining the liberal set in hating The Very Idea Of AMERICA—it’s just a question of degree, really—so this may actually play into liberals’ hands, now that they understand better.  Perhaps that’s why the liberals’ state-run is playing up this story on their front page rather than buried deeply within their Arts and Feelings section. 

By the way, note that the CBC opts not to put the words “the so-called” in front of “Great Satan”, as they often do with “the war on terror”.

Iran’s president rejects biopic, saying Stone part of ‘Great Satan’

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has turned down a chance to be the subject of a documentary by Oliver Stone — because he thinks the Oscar-winning director is just a cog in the machine of the “Great Satan.”

Even though the director has been an outspoken critic of U.S. foreign policy and various administrations, an Ahmadinejad spokesman said the president considers Stone to be part of the cultural establishment in the “Great Satan” — the epithet often used by Iranian hardliners to refer to the United States.

“It is true that [Stone] is known as a dissident in the U.S., but opposition in the U.S. is a part of the Great Satan,” Mehdi Kalhor, the president’s media adviser, said according to the Iranian news agency Fars.

The term Great Satan was first given to the U.S. by Iran’s late supreme leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, after the 1979 Islamic Revolution overthrew the country’s American-backed Shah…


Joel Johannesen
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