Newsquips daily news brief— Newsquips are updated through the day, much like the liberal media reload their “THE ECONOMY IS TANKING!” arsenal and fire off rounds all day long. So come back often and refresh the page!
1. Nutbar Arab media “journalist” throws his shoes at President Bush in Iraq; other media “journalists”—and CBC readers at—cheer him on and fully support him. … Who throws their personal possessions at people they don’t like? I mean besides nutbars, spoiled little western girls, and monkeys. IMAGINATION STATION…. Any ideas on just how gruesomely the man would be treated if he even quietly thought out loud about throwing a shoe—or more likely, a sandal—at his grand and obviously preferred former leader, the great Saddam Hussein? The question is whether his family would be raped and beheaded in front of him and THEN he receive his real torture while at the same time having his feet removed from his legs with a jack-knife; or if he’d just be shot and beheaded right on the spot in front of the other Arab “journalists” as they write notes about it… as the Iraq information ministry writes their stories about how justified it all was. … At times like these I’d love to have that “exit strategy”.
2. I hear Finance Minister Flaherty has ventured into the funny farm and has met with Liberals to discuss the economy and the January budget. … I guess that means that once again, the CBC will report that those wonderful Liberals have graciously and diplomatically taken it upon themselves to “open up the lines of communication with the Conservatives” (see Friday Newsquip #3). … And I love how the Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff faux threatens that if the Conservative budget isn’t baked according to their nanny’s secret “stimulus package” recipe, which is best described as utterly “nondescript” (and besides, they already know it will, and they know there’s already seen all sorts of “stimulus packages” being thrown about anyway, which makes this all a risible play-act appealing only to Canada’s stupideratti) —then they’ll summarily bring down the Harper Conservative government on behalf of all Canadians and plunge our country into a third-world left-wing banana republic; a convoluted internationally embarrassing land o’ lunacy, surely leading to the ruination of Canada as we know it. Yes that’s “compromise” and “consultation”, according to the Liberal-Left and their “smart” leader Ignatieff.
3. Welcoming reception for Barack Hussein Obama? Russian warships will break precedent and visit Cuba this month! Liberals and other leftists in Canada will be falling over themselves celebrating. This Soviet-style display hasn’t been done much since the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics visited their communist brothers and sisters in Cuba loaded with nuclear weapons and rockets and bombs to be aimed at the United States and very possibly fired on command, in the early 1960s —an idea which Canadian liberal tourists apparently still can’t stop cheering and supporting since they and their suitcase-loads of Canadian dollars are still among communist Cuba’s biggest economic “stimulus packages” to this very day during the “holiday” season. … Also see the prescient Barack Hussein Obama articles like this one from 2007: “Obama Calls for Easing Cuba Embargo” …
It reminds me of this PTBC “Christmas” vacation video I made almost exactly three years ago…
EXTRA: One of my videos has now been viewed over 340,000 times. Liberals are against that. Cuba restricts its citizens from viewing the internet. Liberals are for that.
4. Christmas tree lit in Bethlehem today. Uh-oh. The liberals media has to report it. Uh-oh. Well let’s see: “so-called” Jesus was supposedly born in Bethlehem. This, according to what I now understand to be the wacky legend of what I guess the liberal secular-progressive fundamentalist media think is “fairyland” or “the land o’ myths and legends”, or what the rest of us mostly Christian Canadians call Christianity.
Oh it was just a little story on both CTV Newsnet and state-owned CBC Newsworld, but it said so much about their secular-progressive and hypocritical and possibly anti-Christian and Muslim-appeasing assitude. Bethlehem, according to CTV, is (and I quote) “the town where the Bible says Jesus was born”. Please note that he wasn’t in FACT born, there, it’s just that the Bible says he was. YOU CAN’T BE TOO CAREFUL WITH FACTS! My guess is that the liberals’ sacred United Nations hasn’t officially ruled on this yet. Nor their Toronto Star. So they stick with the safe: The Bible says, “whatever, yackity-yack”. Meanwhile, on CBC, they reported (and I quote), ”…The lights in Manger Square were switched on today in the town where Christians believe Jesus was born. Do stay with us, your weather is next.” Those wacky Christians, what with their “believing” things that scientific panels from the U.N. have yet to prove and settle the science and end the debate.
Yet on the web site, they proclaim, in factual context, and without reservation, that Islam’s founder was (and I quote), “the prophet Muhammad, who was born in the Arabian Peninsula about 571.” Let’s review, Canadians—especially you wacky ones who “believe in” the Bible: “The Prophet” Muhammad was unreservedly, unquestionably, “The Prophet”, who was definitely born somewhere, but Jesus Christ is just Jesus (not “Jesus Christ”, “Christ Almighty”, “Our Lord and Savior”, or even “Jesus H. Christ”), who was reportedly or supposedly born in Bethlehem, according to the Christian dogma.
EXTRA: Associated Press reports “The ceremony began the Christmas season in Jesus’ traditional birthplace.” What the heck is a “traditional birthplace”?
5. Lalalalalalaa! Sister of “journalist” who threw his shoes at President Bush voices (?) her support.
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