Wednesday, May 1, 2024

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Mike Adams’ latest column is a job application. Yikes.

Our columnist Mike Adams’ latest column takes the form of an application for a new position at his university.  Guess he’s tired of being a prof.  But you had to know it wouldn’t be a typical application.  You had to know it would take a turn. 

Here’s a snippet—read the whole thing in the Columnist section:


Dear Dr. Berkeley:

I am writing to apply for the position of Director of the WRC (Women’s Resource Center) at UNC Wilmington. I noticed the position advertisement states that minimum requirements include “tenure in an academic department at UNCW at the associate professor rank, experience in leadership development, and a demonstrated commitment to diversity and equity.” I believe that I am fully qualified for this position.

[…] While I do not have “teaching experience in Women’s Studies courses” I believe that I have “a proven track record in collaborating with community agencies that work on behalf of women…”. For example, I organized the “Run Against Rape” in April of 1995. This event raised money for the Rape Crisis Center with a five kilometer run. A U.S. Congressman fired the starting gun for the event, which was covered by the local media. This fundraiser did not require teenage girls to march across a stage chanting “vagina.” Nor were vagina lollipops sold to spectators or participants. In short, I raised money to promote the dignity of women without asking them to act like women of ill-repute.

Joel Johannesen
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