Friday, May 3, 2024

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“Media Disgrace”—noted economist Thomas Sowell

Renowned economist Thomas Sowell says in his latest column that Evan Thomas of Newsweek has estimated that media bias may add as much as 15 points to Kerry’s vote.

How much is added to the liberal-left vote in Canada—perhaps double that?  Maybe even more considering the amount of state-ownership of media and the state-censorship?

Anyway that only forms part of the theme of this good article.

Media disgrace

As if to prove that the Dan Rather forged document scandal was not just an isolated incident, CBS News was ready to run another bogus story against President Bush on “60 Minutes”—right before the election—until an old NBC report surfaced, showing that the great amounts of high explosives supposedly “missing” from an ammunition dump in Iraq were not there when American troops arrived on the scene more than a year ago.

Hundred of tons of these high explosives were known to have been at that ammunition dump before the war started but an NBC reporter who was with the American troops when they arrived at the dump in April 2003 saw no sign of them then. Since it was known in the spring of 2003 that these high explosives were not at that ammunition dump, why was it suddenly front page news in the New York Times on the eve of an election?

Much of the rest of the media joined in publicizing what has turned out to be a bogus story. John Kerry seized on this story and began loudly denouncing President Bush on TV for not adequately guarding high explosives that we never had.

How much can we trust anything reported by a biased media with its own political axes to grind? Thank heaven there are some alternative sources of news, such as talk radio, Fox News and the Internet. 

Evan Thomas of Newsweek has estimated that media bias may add as much as 15 points to Kerry’s vote. If so, Senator Kerry wouldn’t even be in this race without the media’s own spinning of news, even when that means using forged documents and old stale stories whose falsity was known more than a year ago.

[Read the rest…]

Joel Johannesen
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