Sunday, May 5, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Massive Sarah Palin violation uncovered! It’s massive, I tells ya!

image  Democrat Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geitner cheating on taxes ain’t nuttin’ compared to this caper!  Someone get Wolf on the horn in the Sicheeation Room!

Palin’s PAC forced to correct FEC filing

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Sarah Palin’s political action committee violated federal election laws with two donations earlier this year and filed a mid-year report with a number of errors in it, according to the Federal Election Commission. … [on and on…]

Wow!  I bet that never happens!  We better get hold of the best political panel in history, or whatever! 

It turns out the “violation of federal election laws”, what with the “errors” and all, amounted to nothing much more than a couple of typos on some bureaucratic papers completed using government-issue software.  But at least they got their scandalous headline out there for absorption by what they apparently view as their viewer base, the idioteratti.

imageLater in their intrepid investigative reporting, CNN’s crack reporters asked more probing questions and got this bit into their story:

…FEC software that was supposed to flag mistakes when reports are initially submitted showed no errors with their filing.

“We filed what we thought was perfectly right,” Crawford said. “If there is a violation, the FEC won’t accept the report, but ours was accepted with no warnings or violations.”

…A spokesman for the FEC said its standard practice for all reports to be reviewed, but would not estimate how many PAC’s usually have to file corrections.

Geithner used TurboTax for his tax cheating.  And therefore TurboTax was to blame for his tax cheating.  Geithner is not Palin.  See how that works?

And since CNN and the rest of the liberal-left Palin-hating fetish media is so desperate to criticize their opponents today, I found another one that CNN can make a huge headline out of and place on their front page:

Here’s the story behind a headline that Fox News Channel is reporting on just now: 

Iran Blocking U.N. Watchdog Probe Into Military Aspects to Nukes

VIENNA —  Iran is stonewalling the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency about “possible military dimensions” to its suspect nuclear program, officials said Friday, urging the regime to clarify the mysterious role of a foreign explosives expert and shed light on other issues. …

Blah blah blah, right?  (For example, CNN isn’t even covering this dumb old U.N. implies that Iran is building nuclear bombs boringness right now, as you can see from their big feature headlines including the Palin caper, above).

So here’s the real scuttlebutt:  I have caught Fox News Channel backroom typists behaving badly.  They incorrectly typed it’s instead of its in their chyron.  To wit:

image image

Look!  I zoomed-in on it for extra reporter-y-ness!

I understand from unnamed sources that the typists at FNC are part of a massive right-wing “mob” division of the “Nazis”. And one of ‘em’s a damn Christian!  Plus the software doesn’t catch punctuation mistakes, but don’t worry, they’re stoopid billy-goats. 

Oh damn I forgot to add “THIS JUST IN!”

You’re in the Sicheeation Room.  Vote liberal. 


After reviewing my work, I found that CNN used the word its in their story wrongly, in exactly the opposite way that Fox News did.  CNN should have used the apostrophe, as in it’s.  But their reporters are obviously mislead by the corporate industrial complex and possibly Sarah Palin’s daughters.

Here’s some evidence garnered from my reporter-y source.  OK wool actually my source was me, so like whateva, dude.


And here’s my close-up to make it look cool and legitimate:

You’re still in the Sicheeation Room. 


Joel Johannesen
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