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Friday, February 28, 2025
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“Made-Made Global Warming” freezes my banana tree to death

Just a few days ago I showed you the initial damage estimates.

But now we are confronted by near total devastation

And you should see our windmill palm tree. 

I blame Sarah Plain-hating columnist Tasha Kheiriddin and her bitterly cold, scornful, angry-sounding, very mean-spirited, and moreover, totally vacuous woman-made attack on Sarah Palin, this morning, in the progressives’ National Post division, wherein Kheiriddin huffed, and she puffed, and she practically got nowhere even close to blowing Sarah Palin down as a total idiot for…. utterly nothing substantial.  As usual. 

(The narrative that Kheiriddin, like others in the liberal media, have tried to have emerge here is the false story that Sarah Palin called NORTH Korea our allies, rather than SOUTH Korea, in what was obvious to “the rest of us” was the simplest imaginable verbal slip, Palin having just spoken about SOUTH Korea being our allies moments before in the same interview.  And, see, they didn’t slip-up, Palin did.  Their desperation —and perhaps their ignorance — is actually hilarious to me.)

Told her to “shut up”, she did.  Right in the headline.  Oh boy, that’s some issues-oriented debating goin’ on there, Kheiriddin.  Can’t argue with that kind of intellectual substance!  You sure have it over Palin!  You betcha

Liberals — especially liberal women — just HATE Sarah Palin.  She’s clearly a devastating threat to their progressive feminist meme.

Just like a fearsome cold wind to my exotic plants.

Joel Johannesen
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