Monday, May 6, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Lorrie Goldstein, comedy writer

In the genre of past columns written and directed by the likes of Ann Coulter—well actually in just the same way (see her September 1st and 8th columns here), the good Toronto Sun’s good columnist Lorrie Goldstein writes a Q and A with Prime Minister Martin as if it were a film festival Q and A.  And this is another good comedy skit waiting to be performed on non-liberal TV, meaning of course that it will never see the light of day in this nation. 

My snippet starts right after Martin answers a question from the Toronto Sun about his appointment of Michaelle Jean as Governor-General, and the Toronto Star gets the next question:



: “And if I may say so, Mr. Martin, what a wonderful, brilliant and inspired choice it was and might I just add that I and my paper have always been great admirers of your entire body of work! Mr. Martin, would you care to comment on reports that your co-star, Stephen Harper, is a scary, evil, homophobic, war-mongering, demented, right-wing maniac who wants to impose two-tier American-style health care on us, turn all of Canada into a suburb of Calgary and force all school-age children to recite the U.S. pledge of allegiance and the Lord’s Prayer before starting classes every morning?”

Martin: (Chuckles) “Well, yes, I hear that a lot from you folks in the media, but I, of course, would never say such a thing because I have people to do that for me. Perhaps you should ask Stephen for his views on whether he would turn Canada into the 51st U.S. state and force every Canadian citizen over the age of 18 to carry a concealed weapon.”

Toronto Star: “Yes sir! We’ll be sure to do that, Mr. Martin.”

CBC: “Mr. Martin, would you care to comment on the ongoing lockout of CBC employees which I’m sure you would agree with me is the single most important crisis facing this film festival and which further threatens our very way of life as Canadians are being denied the unique Canadian perspective that the CBC offers its audience?”

Martin: “Uh … no.”

CBC: “Oh. Okay. Well, failing that, would you like to blame Mike Harris for something, or accuse Stephen Harper of having a hidden agenda? We have a lot of dead air to fill these days.”

CTV: “Dead air? We thought that was your regularly scheduled programming. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.”

[… Read the rest (30 seconds) …]

Joel Johannesen
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