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Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Liberals: Your pot-smoking acceptance promotion is working!

Genius liberal patricians should be forced to take the bus to work like many of us plebeians.  Practice what you


preach, and all that. 

Bus drivers suspended for smoking pot

LOWER MAINLAND – Two Lower Mainland bus drivers have been suspended after they were caught by police Sunday evening with a lit marijuana joint as they were heading to work.

The incident marks the third time in six months that Lower Mainland bus drivers have been caught using drugs or alcohol before or during a shift.

Doug McDonald, spokesman for the Coast Mountain Bus Company, said Sunday’s incident indicates “an alarming trend” that has no clear explanation, but reiterated that the company has zero tolerance for substance use on the job.

McDonald said the two drivers—who have both been with the company for about four years—were in a personal vehicle when they were pulled over by the RCMP at about 5 p.m. Sunday near the Port Mann bridge.

Police discovered the joint and slapped the driver with a 24-hour-roadside suspension, then called the Coast Mountain Bus Company to inform supervisors of the employees’ indiscretion.

Both bus drivers were prohibited from working their Sunday shifts and have been suspended until the company finishes its investigation.

“If it’s determined there’s been a breach of policy, they could suffer discipline up to and including dismissal,” McDonald said.

Joel Johannesen
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