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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Liberals vote to surrender in Iraq

Liberals in the U.S. officially obeyed Usama bin Laden and associated Islamist terrorists today, by voting in the House to surrender to them in September 2008.  All the Islamist terrorists need to do now is wait until that date, which shouldn’t be hard since they’ve been at this since the Stone Age, which they never left.  It’s all relative for them. 

Democrat leader Nanci Pelosi was so available for comment that she was last seen flashing her breasts like in the Girls Gone Wild videos.  Usama bin Laden couldn’t be reached by PTBC this morning as he was busy laughing his butt off at the Americans in his suite of caves which he calls home. 

The like-minded in Canada, Layton’s you’ve got to be kidding party and Liberal Frenchman Stephane Dion are feeling galvanized, no doubt, particularly since they just had their environut organs masturbated by the Prophet Al Gore in their yummy Ontario yesterday, and yummy Quebec today. 

Of course in order to successfully accomplish this surrender vote, the Democrats had to add provisions like taxpayer supports for spinach growers and sundry other goodies that have nothing whatsoever to do with the Iraq war.  That’s because they have no principles whatsoever.  Everybody knows that.  It’s just a question of how well it can be covered up and spun. 

The President will naturally veto the bull.  He’s sober and stands on principle.  Liberals are against that.

House Votes to Withdraw U.S. Troops From Iraq by Fall 2008

WASHINGTON —  House Democrats called for a new direction in Iraq on Friday, passing a measure that would order President Bush to withdraw U.S. combat troops from Iraq by September 2008.

[…] “Today, this Congress faces a historic vote. A vote to truly change the direction of the Iraqi conflict,” said Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., just before the vote on the House floor.

Go team.  Or in Arabic for you forward-thinking progressive liberals:

تقدم, سمح, إستمر, تابع, حقق نجاحا


Joel Johannesen
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