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Liberals totally misread Canadians as usual—not that they care

Turns out that much to the chagrin of the liberal-left, which has as its priorities: gay marriage (that’s first and foremost—the very most important thing to the liberal-left government of Canada, and, they think, to Canada at this time); a new socialist daycare modelled after our North Korean-style healthcare system; continuation of that North-Korean-style healthcare system unchanged; legalization of pot-smoking to enable and encourage our kids to get high on drugs without any “hassles” from “the man”; and legalization of prostitution (pet project of the NDP in particular); the vast majority of Canadians think there is, in fact, a threat of a terrorist attack in Canada. 

How annoying for the liberals. 

Time to reverse that whole treasonous downsizing of our entire military defense structure! Sure—it will take years—maybe a decade or more—but as long as we show “understanding” and “compassion” and “tolerance” toward terrorists in the meantime, they’ll just terrorize other countries.  Right?  Well, whatever.  Children are replaceable, or even disposable, if I understand the liberals correctly.

Of course it’s a good thing Canadians are on track despite their misplaced worship of liberal-left socialist government, because of course there is that threat of attack in reality.  And it doesn’t really matter that the attack occurs in the U.S., the U.K., or wherever.  People like me, on the right, have been saying that for years.  Liberals have been in denial, or what they call “progressive”.  But at least gay marriage is a God-given right in Canada! Thank God! 

A large majority of Canadians say it is only a matter of time before a Canadian city faces an attack like the bombings in London, but they also say Canada should support the U.S. and stay the course in Afghanistan, according to a new poll for CanWest/Global.

The poll seems to bring to light some Canadian feelings about terrorist threats in the wake of four suicide bombings in London. The bombings brought attention to Canada as one of the last al-Qaida targets not yet hit.

When asked if it is only a matter of time before Canada experienced a terrorist attack like London’s, 63 per cent of those surveyed chose “agree” and 35 per cent chose “disagree.”

The poll also suggests this sentiment is at least as strong in Canada as in the U.S. In a similar poll the Associated Press released Friday, 57 per cent of Americans thought another attack was only a matter of time. Just over one-third of Americans said one could be prevented.

I love this stat:

74 per cent said Canada should not be intimidated by the terrorist threats and should instead continue to support the U.S. and “stay the course” in Afghanistan.

But not a week ago, we had our benevolent liberal government through the minister of Liberal Arrogance and Ignorance Anne McLellan telling us that they—the benevolent government—were more than ready for anything —it’s we the people who are not ready!  That’s right:  Canadians are not “psychologically prepared” for a terrorist attack.  But they—the government—are.  We’re so stupid!  Or actually, not.  That’s just what the liberal-left thinks.  After all, they still pick which TV channels we’re allowed to watch—and Al Jazeera was picked as one to authorize before Fox News Channel.  Priorities!

The liberal-left doesn’t have a clue who Canadians are or what they’re thinking.

Too bad the government of this fantastic country wasn’t a government of the people, by the people, and for the people—because that way, we’d all be on the same page.

Joel Johannesen
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