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Liberals ooze brain poo in Cape Breton media

A PTBC reader (Rob—thanks) sent a link to an article appearing in the Cape Breton Post (online), with its several dozen reader-comments.  As is usual with these articles on the gay-promotion industry’s matters like “gay pride” parades, they treat all Canadians to a revelation about the true mindset of liberals.  And this is in public!  I can only imagine what they think in private or what they discuss amongst themselves.  So often we see them, as below, filled to the brim with pure hate and fear and loathing about anything even remotely “non-liberal”, most especially if Christianity comes up (or as most of us in Canada call it:  “normal”— as the vast majority of us are, in fact, Christians, thank God). 

Here’s just one comment of many just like it, in which liberals demonstrate once again how they get into an almost verbally violent tizzy, become unhinged, and openly ooze brain poo whenever a Christian says anything, as one commenter previous to this did:

[Comment #7] Mike from Halifax, NS writes

…What I am, however, is a democrat, who believes in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It’s a much better document than the old testament for basing rights upon.

If Jesus were around today, he’d be front and centre at the parade, not throwing verbal stones from the sidelines.

Take your bible and shove it, will you.

“Charter of Rights and freedoms … a better document than the old testament”… “Take your bible and shove it”…

My my.  His possible confusion or ignorance about the difference between the Old and New Testament aside… feel the love, baby!  Feel some o’ that famous liberal-left “tolerance” and “compassion” and that love of free speech and “Charter rights”! 

“What I am is a democrat…”.  No, what you are is a moron. But God love ya.

Of course as those of us in the smart set know, in actual fact, the liberals’ famous and apparently “sacred” Charter of Rights and Freedoms begins with these words:


“Whereas Canada is founded upon the principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law…”

…meaning he hasn’t even read the stupid thing… which renders that liberals’ remarks as just plain funny, in a what a stupid ass and massively intolerant ignoramus funny kind of way. 

And that’s even before you remember that our nation was, in a very real way, built on Judeo-Christian values and principles of right and wrong, like, say, the Ten Commandments for example —values which inform us all day long, every day today, whether we know it—or like it—or not.

SUGGESTION: Rather than Mike from Halifax literally demanding, in a public, national media forum, that a good passive Christian Canadian who is simply exercising his free speech (as per the “sacred” Charter of Rights) “Take your bible and shove it”, I suggest that Mike from Halifax twist the words a tad in his mind, such as it is, and trying it out:  for example, I suggest trying this prior to typing out hateful, despicable words as he did:  “Take your gay dink and shove it”, allowing the reader to guess where he could possibly “shove it”.  Suddenly that’s a violation of liberal “morals” and “values” and is spreading hate-thought.  Outrage would ensue.  But not as he did type it.  He said it about a Christian and Christianity.  That’s liberal.  That’s “progressive”. Ipso facto, that’s cool.

Note that neither I, nor that “protester” in the article, nor the innocent target of Mike from Halifax’s vitriol did, or would actually say that or type it out except to examine it as an example of disgraceful, abhorrent, intolerant, totally hateful behavior, even though some sober folks who aren’t high on crack would see it as being EXACTLY the same as typing out what Mike from Halifax actually did. 

But now, see, suddenly, I’m on the brink of a Canadian Human Rights complaint.  That’s how the liberals have fixed things for us in Canada.  In contradistinction, I have no doubt that neither Mike from Halifax, nor the Cape Breton Post, is in any danger whatsoever.  And nonetheless, both I and that protester and others like us are the ones who will be described by those ever-so tolerant liberal asses like Mike from Halifax, as having a “phobia”. 

And that’s what you call total liberal-ass BS.

Vote liberal.  It’s so God-damned progressive.

For extra amusement, here’s some of the Cape Breton Post’s rules for posting comments:

7.1.1. Use polite language. Objectionable or offensive language will not be tolerated at any time. In addition, no one may keep or submit defamatory, obscene, tortious, pornographic, abusive or otherwise illegal content.

7.1.2. Be courteous. No one may make threats or incite anyone else to violence or hatred. It is also prohibited to deliberately disturb any discussion with repetitive messages, unfounded messages or spamming.

7.1.3. Discuss but do not attack. In an open discussion where there are many different opinions, people often disagree. Transcontinental Media encourages lively discussions and debates on its Internet sites. Moreover, personal attacks are a breach of these conditions of use.


Joel Johannesen
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