Just like the liberals within the Conservative Party (they amusingly call themselves “Moderates” or the ever-so-tolerant “big tent proponents”) who want to slowly move the party leftward well into pure red liberal territory; and like the liberals who have infiltrated into the Christian church and are trying to drag it left; and of course the liberal and sometimes extreme left-wing radicals in academia and in the entertainment industry; the (very rare) example of so-called conservative-friendly media will try to do the same—or at least carelessly and thoughtlessly do the same. That’s what liberals do.
Once a beacon of hope for conservatives, The National Post, now a Canwest Global (i.e., liberal) paper, is still somewhat conservative-friendly on their editorial page and within the columnists’ ranks. Barbara Kay is my favorite!
But today’s National Post editorial is a tiny lesson in how they (big old liberal media) get you. How they move you leftward to suit their liberal preferences and political aims. And it’s something to watch out for in your daily travels through liberal-land.
In congratulating BC Premier Gordon Campbell (of the BC Liberal Party) for his accomplishments in turning BC around, they describe his as a “conservative government”, whose accomplishments are a “model for the rest of the country”.
By simple innuendo and slight of hand, really, the notion of “right” can be dragged over to the left. Conservative becomes liberal, and soon, actual conservatives appear more and more “extreme” and “radical” and “scary”. Sound familiar? It’s been happening for years all around us. We live in a day and age where being pro-life is “extreme”. Yet abortion—the gruesome, purposeful ending of a healthy innocent human life—very often for pure convenience and nothing more—is supposedly a “moderate” procedure by comparison.
Here’s the last paragraph in their editorial, “B.C.‘s success story”:
But Mr. Campbell must not become complacent and lose his reformist zeal. Moreover, the province will need to be careful not to slip back into the practice of reckless public spending—a mistake made by other conservative governments—notably the Ontario Tories under Ernie Eves. Already a clamour has begun for higher provincial employee wages once B.C.‘s public sector wage freeze expires next year. Still, what Mr. Campbell and his government have accomplished is a model for the rest of the country.
This is the same Gordon Campbell who, having won a huge majority over the NDP a little over four years ago, chose to stick with BC’s Soviet Union-style liquor distribution and retail sales scheme, in direct competition against BC’s own citizens. That’s not “conservative”. That’s outright socialism.
This is the premier and party that, like most Canadian politicians who are pure liberal or even further left, tacitly endorse abortion on demand—all at taxpayer full expense, with no limit at all whatsoever as to when abortions can occur (even right through the ninth month— there’s no restriction in Canada!) in any pregnancy, and all in BC taxpayer-funded state-run overcrowded and largely decrepit public hospitals. That’s liberal. Pure liberal. With a damn good twist of Godless socialism.
This is the premier and party that chose to stick with a socialist, state-run car insurance monopoly (with optional towing package!), rather than privatize that socialist NDP creation. That’s pure socialist—not “conservative”. Where’s that “reformist zeal”?
This is the premier and party that fully endorses gay ‘marriage’ without any equivocation at all whatsoever. That’s the very definition of today’s liberal.
This is the premier and cabinet who chose to kowtow to the liberals in Ottawa and chose to be openly complicit in maintaining a state-run North Korean-style healthcare system—even in the face of a number of good BC citizens who were and still are willing to invest their private funds in the private-sector and, paradoxically, save the stupid socialist system. That’s your “model for the rest of the country”?
I could go on.
Just a couple days ago I mentioned a news article that said “They do not believe the Conservatives would force an election until Gomery reports on testimony that hundreds of thousands of dollars of government money were secretly funnelled to the Quebec wing of the Liberal party for campaign financing as late as 1997.”
See how that works? Here I thought it was hundreds of millions of dollars.
I endorsed Gordon Campbell and the BC Liberals in the last election because the alternative was the neo-Marxist NDP, whose bloated leader, Carole James, shares a bed with multi-million-dollar, multi-national (that’s globalized!) largely Marxist labor unions such as the BC teachers union. Despite copious evidence of a lack of conservative principle on social issues and on many economic issues, he was and is at least prepared to moderate the unions and the tax structure somewhat. And we needed that desperately. Still do.
But this is not “a model for the rest of the country”—at least not from this actual conservative’s perspective. That can only be seen as a model for liberals or socialists. Most Americans and many Australians and Irish and New Zealanders would describe this as a socialist-leaning government, just to put it in perspective.
Conservatives have managed to convince the populace, by expressing their good ideas and communicating them well enough and through constant proof and evidence that, for example, tax cuts work!, and that conservative fiscal policy, in general, works!. Some fiscal policies learned from actual conservatives have now been adopted by all parties in Canada—for example they all at least pretend to believe in “balanced budgets”, which the NDP mocked until only a year or two ago. But that doesn’t make them all “conservative” now does it?
“Conservative” means much more than that. Don’t let them move you left through their innuendo.
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