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Liberals and terrorists a better fit than liberals and Americans

Paul Martin campaigning Only liberals would see this action by failed Liberal Prime Minister Paul (“I dint know nuttin”) Martin as acceptable.  (Some thought he earned that middle name “I dint know nuttin” from his Liberal Party Adscam Sponsorship political corruption denial days, and you’d be wrong, as you can see from stories like these.)

In fact I wouldn’t doubt that liberals would find it odd that we’d even criticize this sort of activity.  It’s Bush who’s the real terrorist donchaknow. And Jesus!

I love the opportunity to invoke Coulterisms.  Here’s one:  Hold up some photos of Usama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and George Bush, and ask a liberal which one is the terrorist, and they’ll point to George Bush. 

You never hear liberals criticizing terrorists—just suggesting we chin-wag with them over tea and buns—while at the same time condescending the Americans and President Bush and calling him and them “war criminals” and refusing to do the right thing and help them battle Islamofascist terrorists and tyrannical dictators and their havens to the extend we could… always standing up for terrorists… trying to end Canada’s Anti-Terrorism Act… close Guantanamo and free the prisoners!… exit strategy!…  surrender!… and so on.  It’s truly odd behavior.

I’ve been highlighting these things for years and wrote up a couple back in 2004 (see below). Here’s just the latest, in today’s news:

Martin sought terror group’s support in 1990 leadership bid

Kim Bolan, CanWest News Service; Vancouver Sun
Published: Tuesday, February 20, 2007

VANCOUVER – Paul Martin solicited the support of the terrorist International Sikh Youth Federation in his failed bid for the federal Liberal leadership in 1990, The Vancouver Sun has learned.

Martin made an impassioned speech to the ISYF’s national convention in which he said he was honoured to “meet friends who share the same belief in in this country, the same belief in peace, the same preparedness to defend themselves.”

What a bizarre thing to say to terrorists.  I dare say a conservative leader would not say such a thing to such people. 

At the time of Martin’s spring 1990 speech, the ISYF had already been identified as a terrorist group by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Four in the group had been convicted in B.C. of the attempted assassination of a visiting Indian politician. Other B.C. members had met with a young would-be assassin who shot newspaper publisher Tara Singh Hayer in 1988.

The Martin speech came two years after Conservative External Affairs Minister Joe Clark warned Canadian politicians to steer clear of the federation, the Babbar Khalsa and the World Sikh Organization because of terrorist links…

That never seemed to bother Martin. 

Ten years after that incident reported just today in what liberal media dub “timely fashion”, back when he was an even bigger hunk of cheese in the cheese-eater’s party, Martin felt the compulsion to meet with another group connected with none other than the terrorist Tamil Tigers.  I wrote: 

…According to a book I coincidentally just read (an excellent book called “Who Gets In” by Daniel Stoffman) Canada’s current Liberal Party Prime Minister, Paul Martin, also attended a function—a fund-raiser—sponsored by the Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils in May 2000. Canada’s high commission in Sri Lanka had warned Martin, then merely Canada’s Finance Minister, not to attend because FACT is a front for one of the most vicious terrorist organizations in the world, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam—the Tamil Tigers.

After all of the warnings against his attendance by intelligence officials and diplomats, Martin simply labeled anyone who questioned his attendance as “un-Canadian”.

That “un-Canadian” label will ring a tone to Canadian conservatives, who were also labeled “un-Canadian” by Martin and the Liberals during their last election campaign in June 2004, for taking any non-liberal-left position on anything, such as, you know, “national security” or “winning the war against Islamist terrorists”.

There’s many more examples if you open the field beyond just Paul (“I dint know nuttin”) Martin (who also, by the way, as Prime Minister, in 2005 agreed to meet with two pro-Tamil Tiger politicians in Colombo, Sri Lanka, while he was there).  The fringe far leftist Jack Layton of Canada’s NDP world socialism party (the you’ve got to be kidding party) met with those li’l Tigers as well.  I wrote—also in 2004—about it by referring to a National Post editorial about it:

An atrocious comparison
National Post editorial
September 28, 2004

It is bad enough that on Saturday the Ontario legislature became the scene of a so-called Tamil “peace” rally—at which flags of the Tamil Tigers, a terrorist group based in Sri Lanka, were proudly waved.

But far more disturbing was the presence of federal NDP [New Democratic Party] leader Jack Layton at the event. Mr. Layton’s decision to participate lends an endorsement to the Tamil Tigers, a radical and violent terrorist group that has perpetrated dozens of suicide bombings during its long campaign of terror against Sri Lanka’s Sinhalese majority, including the assassination of Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi.

Mr. Layton took the stage in front of a huge picture of Tamil Tiger leader Velupillai Prabhakaran, then proceeded to compare the Tamil terrorist head to former South African president and civil rights leader Nelson Mandela…

For more, simply tune into the news, any day, and watch and listen to liberals.

Joel Johannesen
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