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Liberal women’s organs surround womanly Ignatieff

Stop attacking our mommy!  Or we’ll send the nanny-state after yas!

Today, one of the liberals’ national media organs the Globe and Mail, which touts itself as “Canada’s national newspaper” in an apparent nod to Pravda, deploys its star reporter/CTV politics show host Mizz Jane Taber, to write an anti-Conservative PR story disguised as a news story, about the Speaker of the House, Peter Milliken (a Liberal).  The “news”?  Why he has chosen to sternly warn Conservatives, in a terse finger-wagging letter to all parties (because liberal totally believe in the principle making the outward appearance of being fair), against making “personal attacks” in the House… but only against the manly Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff. 

“Attacks”… like this, as the liberal-left’s favorite reporter Jane Taber reports from out of her Globe and Mail orifice: 

• Conservative MP Dean Del Mastro asked, “Why does the Liberal Leader love to flip-flop? When will the Liberals find real leadership?”

Ouch!  Did he say “flip-flop”?!

• And apparently the Crowfoot MP Kevin Sorenson accused Ignatieff of supporting a “job-killing, recession-worsening carbon tax” like that of his predecessor and left brain, the Liberal Frenchman Stéphane Dion, whom Ignatieff made a point of agreeing with at every possible turn but now backs off agreeing with, owing to the hilarious stupidity of the carbon tax idea.

Yowee!  That’s gonna leave a mark!  Or should I say a carbon footprint?!

•  And like when New Brunswick MP Rodney Weston (C) used his statement in the House to accuse Ignatieff of having the “audacity to come back to Canada after 36 lost years for the sole purpose of becoming prime minister.”

Holy “attack”, Batman! 

Then naturally, exactly on cue, the Globe and Mail’s trained seal-like readers all fall in line, and dutifully totally agree, as shown in their multitudinous comments to the “news” article:  Yes!  More decorum is needed in politics today!… now that George Bush is a “moron”, as described by a Liberal Party MP and another Liberal Party aid on the state-owned CBC division of the liberal-left machine. 

They Globe and Mail readers then proceed to explain their intellectual reasoning by saying things like this in their overtly Conservative-bashing comments which actually ridicules themselves, Jane Taber, liberals generally, and the Globe and Mail (but of course none of them even remotely see the irony): 

• “I see that our Dear Leader has trained his chimps well.”

• “The Harper knuckledraggers have little else to say.”

• “…we don’t deserve a bunch of clowns who are so lacking in policies and achievements that they must resort to smears, character assassinations and gutter tactics to get themselves noticed.”

• “This group of cons are the dregs of the politico class.”

• “Warning signs of Harpers march towards a fascist statefascist parties such as the Harper CONservaties tend to

This one was apparently removed after a reasonable sounding commenter complained:  “These CONs need to be Rozscoed.”  (Murdered?)

• “…white trash politicians…”

• “Harper only loosens the muzzles so that his braindead MP’s can launch into the canned attack against their fellow MP’s.”

And just after one clearly liberal guy wrote, “Too bad there is a country out there in parlous times”, another liberal writes (quoting John Stewart Mill—woo!  What an intellectual!):  “Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative,” apparently unaware of the inherent “parlous” irony. 

Joel Johannesen
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