Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Liberal Senator Larry Campbell with Senate bill to ban NFL games in Canada

Canadians can’t compete on the world stage.  We suck.

We can’t make our own decisions.  We can’t be trusted to make decisions for ourselves or our family.  Canadians are so lame we can’t make it on our own.  We are inferior, and our culture is inferior, and our products are inferior, and our TV stations are inferior, and our institutions are inferior —even our sports are inferior.  Exposing these things to competition from outside will expose that fact.  We can’t compete. Can’t.  We just can’t.  Face it.  Lower your standards.  Lower your expectations for yourself and the nation.  Lower the bar.  We suck.

Defer to the state for a crutch.  Supports.  The nanny-state will save you by shielding you from the superior products and services available out there.  You won’t get all that life has to offer, but on your own, you will fail.  You suck, Canadians.  The benevolent and ever so “progressive” government will save you.  We need state protections so as to maintain our inferior standard.  Do not compete.  You can’t.  You suck.  And because you’re too stupid, the state will provide laws for you so you will be directed as to the choices you can legally make with your money, your time, your family, your health care, the TV you watch, the products you buy, your sports…

—Canadian liberal-left credo.
Vote Liberal.

Larry Campbell Liberal Senator Larry Campbell, socialist, and former lousy mayor of Vancouver, was the one who (while still mayor—in fact at a national mayors conference) called all conservatives “barbarians”; and instructed Canadians, in a national radio interview, to vote for anyone but Conservatives in the 2004 federal election.

Rather than completely denounce and admonish that ass for making such hate-filled remarks against his fellow Canadians, such as myself and my wife and neighbors, failed Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin subsequently appointed Campbell to the Liberals’ Senate division. As a Liberal Senator.  Even though Campbell ran as mayor of Vancouver on a ticket occupied by far-leftists—socialists and communists.  (One of Campbell’s fellow city council leftists took to wearing a Che Guevara (communist murderer) t-shirt to public events in order to advocate for that communist and the “principles” he stood for. This was the same party that current NDP MP Libby Davies belonged to when she was a Vancouver alderman; and that of her party mate, the convicted jewel thief and gay rights advocate Svend Robinson, now mercifully a former NDP MP.  That party, “COPE”, or the Committee of Progressive Electors, was founded in the 1970s by local communists.)

No wonder then that PTBC readers will recall my habit of describing Larry Campbell as one of those Canadians who sounds very much like a communist to me.

But he’s been appointed to the Senate.  And this is what he’s working on:

 Outlaw NFL season games: Senate bill
Senator Larry Campbell introduces the Canadian Football Act that would ban foreign teams from playing league games in Canada

Sean Fitz-Gerald,
National Post
Published: Thursday, June 12, 2008

National Football League teams would be banned from playing regular season games in Canada under a bill that has been introduced to the Senate, a piece of proposed legislation that also aims to “prevent the expansion of the Canadian Football League outside of Canada.”

Senator Larry Campbell spent weeks drafting Bill S-238…

He “spent weeks” doing this crap?  In the middle of a war.  As our economy is in trouble.  And in the midst of the liberal-left’s “man-made global warming” crisis emergency.  On our dime.

Support the Senate!  Vote Liberal!

The liberal-left’s dismal low-bar attitude isn’t limited to our culture and products and institutions (et al).  It extends to families and the way we raise our kids —think “beer and popcorn” and the liberal-lefts’ national child care (and “early learning” —wink!) institutions, and our North Korean-style health care system.  The liberal-left thinks exactly the same way about Canadian women and most minorities.  The liberal-left all seek to artificially prop women and most minorities up, because the liberal-left doesn’t respect their abilities enough to believe that they can make it on their own.  Many women and minorities agree with them.  They agree they’re lame and inferior; and vote for them.

Here’s some protectionism:  don’t put your trust in people who don’t trust you.


Joel Johannesen
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