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Liberal proves point to me in email: “The CBC is petulant, but so are all liberal media. Oops!”

From: Adam
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:34 PM
Subject: You stand corrected

Just wanted to point out an error in one of the threads.

You’re barking up the wrong tree.  That was a Canadian Press story on the CBC website.  You will note it starts with Ottawa (CP) and ends with the Canadian Press logo.



On 15-Dec-06, at 12:49 AM, wrote:

No [bleep].

And it was published on CBC’s web site.

You stand corrected.


From: Adam
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: You stand corrected

You’re right, it was on the CBC website, as well as a bunch of other websites.  Verbatim.

All I’m saying is that it was not written by anyone at the CBC.  It came from CP.  So if the CBC is petulant and idiotic and full of crap, then so are an amazing number of other news agencies you failed to mention.  Singling out the CBC, I dunno, kinda weak.

That’s all.

On 16-Dec-06, at 9:43 AM, wrote:


Why don’t you start a blog, and then write an article about your big scoop.  Entitle it: “Herein I prove that ALL the liberal media is indeed liberal, and shockingly petulant, despite their hideous claims that Harper is petulant, and thus they are all hypocritical lying anti-conservative liberal ass-kissing asshats, as Joel Johannesen has been saying in his blog for years and proving it every day”.  That’s what I’d do if I had your kind of time. 

Personally, I generalize and say that very kind of thing every so often, when I find time.  Other times, I single-out a specific media source like CTV or the abhorrent socialist-ridden CBC to provide real-life examples.  I sure as hell don’t have as much time as you do to suss out all the other media that prints every one of these ridiculous stories, each time.  If you do you’d be a good asset for our team to help us prove the liberal-left media is in fact hideously biased against conservatives and for liberalism (or worse) in general.  Unfortunately, I think your forté is rather more provincial: to protect your sacred state-run media as I suppose any good socialist or communist would do. 

All you were saying was that it wasn’t the CBC who wrote it, you say?  Well I never ever once said it was written by anyone at the CBC. 

I knew it was written by the Canadian Press.  I always, always, always check.  Lots of their stories are.  Lots of all media stories are.  The Canadian Press is funded by the CBC and other Canadian media.  That’s the way the news media fills their pages.  And you’ll find those stories are thus almost always “verbatim”, and since they are “verbatim”, and the Canadian media is stacked with liberal-leftists and far-leftists, they’re all going to be consistently liberal-leftist in tone and substance.  They choose what to use from many sources—the key being “they choose” what to expose or include or not.  And all Canadians are thus educated this way (assuming they can read, but don’t get me started on how Canadians are taught by liberal-leftists and far-leftists or Marxists).

Given the choice, I would never run that story, quite clearly.  But then again I’m not a liberal-leftist-ass-kissing editor hungry for totally ridiculous muck-raking garbage stories about the current Conservative government —in lieu of reporting actual positive news stories on all the good they’ve done in just ten short months despite the incredible odds and stumbling blocks stacked against them, not excluding that presented by the leftist state-run taxpayer-funded CBC, daily. 

As the editor of my site, I have personally chosen from a number of conservative columnists, and choose to publish their writing at my web site.  If I don’t like a column, I don’t publish it.  People and groups also send me news releases, and news tips, and so on.  Same answer. 

I singled out the socialist CBC this time—and I do as often as I can—because I find them to be the most loathsome of all mainstream media.  They should wise-up.  Actually I pray they are shut right down and I do my tiny bit to help that process along. So that’s my choice as a blogger—and it’s perfectly OK because I’m not even funded by you, taxpayer.

So there’s your Journalism 101. 

Hope that helps you through your day, Adam. 

Joel Johannesen

Joel Johannesen
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